RichC | January 4, 2024
The LOW QUALITY, inexpensive replacement parts being sold these days is starting to irritate me; it is becoming a pet peeve. I have not notice this as much when purchasing OEM replacement part from the tractor dealerships or even for cars when it comes to big branded automotive part stores. Long gone are the days […]
Category: Automotive, Diesel, Misc, Repairs, Shopping |
Tags: amazon, diesel, fuel pump, kubota, maintenance, mower, repair, zd326s, zero-turn
RichC | August 9, 2023
Fifteen years for a diesel mower in my book is not old, but it does seem to be about the time for parts to wear and repairs to start (or continue). Last week was the second time that I’ve had to replace the fuel pump on our Kubota ZD326s zero-turn mower. The Kubota has been […]
Category: Archive, Diesel, Misc, Repairs |
Tags: blades, fuel pump, kubota, lawnmower, maintenance, zd326s
RichC | May 19, 2020
As mentioned on Sunday, the delayed Amazon shipment of the Kubota fuel pump set my maintenance and repair plans back a bit, but I did get around to replacing the previously substituted fuel filter in the John Deere 330. We mostly use the old John Deere diesel tractor for trailer duty (and snowblowing), but ever […]
Category: Archive, Diesel, Friends, Hobby, Personal, Photos, Tools, Woodworking |
Tags: darlene, diesel, fuel filter, fuel pump, garage, georgia, john deere, kubota, maintenance, mark jones, repair, tractor, woodworking, workshop
RichC | May 17, 2020
The Kubota ZD326s zero-turn mower has had stalling and starting problems this spring. I’ve finally diagnosed the problem as the electric fuel pump. This small pump is used to deliver fuel from the twin tanks to 26HP diesel 3-cylinder’s injection pump. Along with the pump, there are two fuel filters, one before and one after […]
Category: Diesel, Misc, Shopping |
Tags: amazon, delivery, diesel, fuel pump, kubota, mower, prime, repair, zd326s
RichC | June 25, 2017
Well done … don’t forget to use your “brother’s sock.” 
Category: Automotive, How-To, Video |
Tags: cars, fuel pump, speedcar99, tank, youtube