RichC | November 24, 2023
A week or so ago, I went looking for an image of a Killer Whale (Orca) … and wanted one that had the happy look of a smiling Shamu, etc. It didn’t need to be a “real photo” so thought it would be a simple task for one of the artificial intelligence assistance. Microsoft’s Bing […]
Category: Art, Computer, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: ai, artificial intelligence, bing, image, killer whale, orca, smiling, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | April 4, 2022
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Category: Misc, Music, Social Media, Tidbits |
Tags: early morning rain, gordon lightfoot, illusion, image, mp3, music monday, musicmonday, optical, twitter, unsee
RichC | February 28, 2017
While eating lunch today I was tinkering with my Lumix GX8 camera to play with depth-of-field and sandwiching images (see Photoshop technique in old post). In a low light macro situation there isn’t a way to keep items in front and back sharp enough to read … so in some cases, sandwiching two images is […]
Category: Photography, Photos |
Tags: camera, depth-of-field, image, lumix, photo, photography, photoshop
RichC | May 17, 2016
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Category: Audio, Music, Personal, Photos, Tools |
Tags: image, jimmy buffett, mood, mp3, oil, penetrating, rust, tools, tropical, twofer