Music Monday: Gordon Lightfoot Live on The Midnight Special

| May 13, 2024

On the NBC television music program “The Midnight Special” on December 13th 1974, Gordon Lightfoot performed a live version of his hit “Sundown.” The late Gordon Lightfoot has been highlighted several times before and even included “Sundown” in a post 7 years ago for Music Monday … but I enjoyed this live video version as […]

Music Monday: RIP Gordon Lightfoot, a folk singing legend

| May 8, 2023

Canadian singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot passed away last week; he was 84. The respected entertainer has been a favorite of mine since high school and I enjoyed his music throughout the years … and still do. Music Monday has highlighted a few of his many songs and I felt obligated to reflect on his music this […]

Music Monday: “Early Morning Rain” – Gordon Lightfoot (image) … Can you see it?

| April 4, 2022

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Music Monday: A WSJ article and Gordon Lightfoot memories

| September 2, 2019

All too often lately I’m reminded that the memories I have as a boy growing up are seen as being from “the olden days.” An article in this past month’s WSJ highlighted the beloved Gordon Lightfoot, a Canadian folk singer and songwriter who’s work spans many decades. His music was enjoyed and listened to by […]

Music Monday: Gordon Lightfoot singing Carefree Highway

| December 10, 2018

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Music Monday: An old favorite from Gordon Lightfoot

| November 20, 2017

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Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog