RichC | September 4, 2024
While at the National Museum of the Great Lakes in Toledo over the weekend with KDAE, I took a photo of a surprisingly comfortable leather chair that was on the SS Col. James M. Schoonmaker. The chair was “I think” original to the ship in 1911 and looked interesting enough to dig a little deeper […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Woodworking |
Tags: chair, gold, leather, ring, wedding band
RichC | June 16, 2024
Really I’m just saving a couple of helpful photos to use when it comes to sewing heavy material or perhaps leather with the Sailrite WorkerB upgrade. It might help when remembering how to adjust the Ultrafeed sewing machine … although I do know this, but sew so infrequently that it is easy to forget. Knot […]
Category: Archive, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: leather, sailrite, sewing, stitches, ultrafeed, workerb
RichC | January 21, 2023
There are two projects sitting semi-started in the workshop this winter (delayed with Brenda’s hip fracture), although I’m still struggling to accept the VERY HIGH lumber prices. To be fair, I’ve always complained about buying lumber as no matter where it is purchased, it always seems far to high. But nowadays with inflation raging, it […]
Category: Financial, Misc, Personal, Photos, Woodworking |
Tags: corner desk, cornhole, expensive, home depot, inflation, leather, lumber, out of sight, project, projects, receipt, slang
RichC | May 25, 2022
Now that the desk and hardwood floors are complete, and floor finish has cured enough in my home office, it is time to tackle the trim painting, putting the closet and bookshelves back. Another project I’ve been contemplating is to revitalize my older well-worn corner computer desk. Having used it for a couple of decades […]
Category: Apple, Computer, Misc, Personal, Photos, Productivity, Woodworking |
Tags: apple, Computer, corner desk, edging, home, leather, mouse, oak, office, project, workshop, workspace
RichC | April 18, 2012
In the late 60s and 70s, polyester clothing was popular (think leisure suits) and plastics were making their way in to products that were traditionally made of natural materials. Back then, we would joke about ranchers herding up the wild “Naugas” to fill the demand for naugahyde (the pleather of the day). But the fake […]
Category: Automotive, Environment, History, Humor, Misc, Volkswagen |
Tags: koskin, leather, leatherette, nauga, naugahyde, vegan