RichC | August 22, 2014
After almost two year of using several different wraps and “powered cases” for my iPhones, I whittled my picks down to three … or 4 if you consider “no-case” as an option. In fact, using the iPhone without a case makes it very small and lightweight; slipping the tiny iPhone 5 and 5s in a […]
Category: Advice, Apple, Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: apple, case, iphone, lenmar, mophie, otterbox, smartphone, techfriday
RichC | March 20, 2014
My son Taylor is back for a few days from North Dakota to visit friends (and mom and dad) and do a little shopping. That last part about shopping is my theory since I don’t think they have many JCrew stores or the like in Williston, although I could be wrong? Anyway it is nice […]
Category: Nature, Personal, Photos |
Tags: birds, mophie, taylor