RichC | October 19, 2014
Against my better judgment I upgraded my iMac to Apple’s OS X Yosemite this weekend … bold move after my frustrations with iOS 8 and my older iPad2. So far all is well and it should be an easy to adopt upgrade … particularly since it was free. I’ve had my frustrations with both Apple […]
Category: Apple, Computer |
Tags: apple, imac, osx, update, upgrade, yosemite
RichC | October 23, 2013
Yesterday’s Apple product event came on the heels of last months lackluster iPhone 5c and 5s announcement (I watched on and off on my iPad – Jony Ive in photo on right) . First off, there wasn’t anything earthshattering just as with the new iPhones, but the updates and upgrades will be “want to have” items. […]
Category: Computer, Software, Tablet, Technology |
Tags: apple, Computer, ipad, mac, maverick, notebook, osx