RichC | April 20, 2016
In an email exchange with Andrew Rodriguez of, he hinted that he’ll have a few new products up in Wisconsin at the 2016 TDIFest this Labor Day. One item that caught my eye was a billeted chunk of aluminum "goodness" as the marketeers say — he knew what he was doing sending it to […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, BMW, Diesel, Volkswagen |
Tags: 35d, aarodriguez, bmw X5, fixmyvw, performance
RichC | December 22, 2015
While the up and coming generation ogles the impressive all-electric Teslas, I’m still attracted to gasoline and oil burners (aka: diesels) … especially the latest refined performance and luxury sedans coming from BMW. The 2016 BMW 7 series is particularly impressive, with its sleek lines and twin turbo V-8 engine cranking out 445-horsepower and 480 […]
Category: Automotive, BMW |
Tags: 7-series, BMW, luxury, performance, sedan