RichC | December 6, 2023
Read the full article in Ok … so it is not “manned,” but check out these physics facts from Discover Magazine anyway
Q: Why does the moon always present the same face to us? I find it impossible to believe that this could happen by chance. — Michael Connelly, Toronto A: Nope, not […]
Category: Science, Space, Tidbits |
Tags: discover, moon, nasa, peregrine, physics, space
RichC | September 20, 2023
What do you remember from Physics class? How about Bernoulli’s principle (something mentioned before). Physics teacher shows Bernoulli's principle — Mind Blowing (@blowingfactz) September 17, 2023
Category: Science, Social Media, Video |
Tags: bernoulli, physics, science, twitter,
RichC | June 15, 2019
Brenda and I watched the movie Interstellar (2014) once before, but we watched it again this past week, and as often happens, we picked up on a few more interesting facts that made our brains hurt … well at least mine: General relativity, The Science of Interstellar, Black Holes and Time Warps. Thankfully I could […]
Category: Audio, Books, Computer, Movies, Science, Space, Tidbits |
Tags: amazing, anniversary, binary code, courage, interstellar, interview, moon, movie, mp3, npr, one giant leap, physics, race, space