Tech Friday: Finally upgraded to a ‘paid’ subscription

| June 7, 2024

I’ve been using Twitter, which is now after Elon Musk purchase $TWTR and renamed it, since the early days of the 240 character social network. Shockingly, it has now been over 17 years since I joined in February of 2007 … and I decided it was finally time to eliminate the ads and gain […]

Using Perplexity.AI and the news of the day: Trump Convicted

| May 31, 2024

It is Tech Friday, but because I’ve already prepared and posted, I still wanted to highlight the newsworthy headline story regarding the politically motivated trial against former president and the likely Republican candidate for president, Donald J. Trump. So opted to test the relatively “new to me” AI client (Perplexity.AI) by asking: Can you summarize […]

A different kind of Memorial Day remembrance

| May 27, 2024

Each year Memorial Day holiday often brings out the best in Americans. Those I know, at least give “thought” to the service men and women who fought and died to protect and preserve our country, our freedom and way of life. It is of course, will never be enough appreciation from those of us who […]

Being a great parent really isn’t that difficult #video

| May 9, 2024

Being a great parent isn’t always expensive … it just takes a little time and attention to your children. Here’s someone spotted on social media being a great mom … and a pretty cute little girl enjoying the ride! 

Work on the Kubota diesel mower is not going well

| May 5, 2024

With the lawn growing like crazy, this is definitely not the time for a mower to need service. The local Kubota dealer is backed up 2 weeks for service and I’m struggling to diagnose the exact problem. So far I’ve only taken things apart, broken a “fuel return pipe” and ordered parts.  Nothing like breaking […]

Music Monday: Steve Miller Band – “Jet Airliner” LIVE in 2007

| March 25, 2024

A Twitter/ social media contact from FoxBusiness, Brian Brenburg,  is a “DollarVinyl” shopper. He is always posting album covers that he finds for “a buck.” In January 2024 he posted one from The Steve Miller Band … that I once owned (college days and pre-basement-flood). It triggered a response from me and a 2007 live […]

There are probably too many posts just for the sake of posting?

| March 23, 2024

This should probably should have been a Tech Friday blog update post (or not at all?), but was something I noticed after cleaning up about 13 older posts with “issues.” Also I am hoping to test a “featured image” add-on to see if it work with social media alerts.  Since 2005, I’ve been posting daily and […]

Besides costly higher education and health care … buying and owning a home is now unaffordable for many in America

| March 17, 2024

Going to college after high school has always seemed expensive, but by working, borrowing and getting help from parents … it was do-able, and by today’s standards, seemed affordable. I can’t help but smile noticing that when I finally paid off my student loan that I could start saving to put my kids through college. […]

Music Monday: Kids, Families, Bands and Social Media Fun

| February 5, 2024

Call today’s Music Monday post from a lazy one … but I still like it (what a great dad)! Doesn't look like a lot of money here, not a lot of 'stuff'. There's one thing present that's far more valuable, can you see? — Dane (@UltraDane) February 4, 2024

A classic Firebird reminded me of my 1974 Mercury Capri #TBT

| February 1, 2024

Contemplating classic cars after seeing a good looking late 1960’s Pontiac Firebird 400 while filling up at Costco. I posted a comment on and it gave me a ThrowBack Thursday #TBT excuse to repost a couple old black and while of photos of my first junkyard rebuildable … my 1974 Capri (it was pea […]

Music Monday: Gin Blossoms – “Follow You Down”

| January 29, 2024

Often the bumper music on business television shows catches my ear and triggers a Music Monday idea. That was the case with the 1996 song “Follow You Down” by Gin Blossoms on The Big Money Show with hosts Jackie DeAngelis, Taylor Riggs and a personal favorite personality, Brian Brenberg. Here’s a YouTube Official Video of […]

Beware of dogs … when disposing of Christmas trees #humor

| January 7, 2024

Just a bit of Christmas and New Year’s Day holiday cleaning up humor found on

The sound of the Red-Tail Hawk vs Bald Eagle

| December 12, 2023

As someone who enjoys birds and birdwatching, I found this Red-Tail Hawk (left) vs Bald Eagle (right) video worth sharing. Did you know? The iconic sound of the bald eagle you always hear in movies and TV shows is the one of a red-tailed hawk. Why? This is the red-tailed hawk's vocalization vs a […]

Does a USB drive get heavier as you store more files on it? 

| December 2, 2023

Loved this @Rainmaker1973 post about digital storage and in particular USB flash drives (also enjoyed the photo): Nope. Paradoxically (and theoretically), the more you save on a flash drive, the lighter it gets. USB drives use Flash memory, which means the the ones and zeros of the data are stored on transistors. When you […]

The Tesla Cybertruck deliveries begin today

| November 30, 2023

An automotive filler for this afternoon: Pretty impressive. #automotive #Cybertruck $TSLA — Rich Corbett (@RichC) November 30, 2023 API test: Still would like an iPhone flipphone

| November 17, 2023

Really just testing a new (Twitter) setup after the MyDesultoryBlog account stopped updating several months ago. An API change has made it more difficult for automated accounts to send out tweets. Adding a photo to keep Apple aware that I still would really like an iPhone Flip! 😉 

Percentage of a country’s population that speaks fluent English

| November 16, 2023

Of course this was found on social media: … so take it with a grain of salt 😊 (also tinkering with columns for WordPress)

Remember our Veterans this weekend and HB to the USMC

| November 11, 2023

Yesterday was the 248th birthday for the USMC (my X or tweet below). They have an amazing history and those who serve or served (once a Marine always a Marine) have a good reason to be proud. Their bravery and sacrifice was cemented for me earlier this year after listening to the audiobook by Eugene […]

Tech Friday 2: Testing API after new updates

| November 3, 2023

Simple test for my automated MyDesultoryBlog’s account after an API update. This WordPress plug-in using a newly updated service should start to work again. This post will probably be deleted although since I like the Elon Musk ani-gif, I might just keep it. Will this feature work again? 

A how to hang a picture on a nail with a fork #video tip

| September 25, 2023

How to hang a picture on a nail with a fork social media household tip (short video below).

Tech Friday: Really just testing a WP theme and Bing AI Chat

| September 22, 2023

It is time to start cleaning up my older WordPress blog install and preparing for an eventual update … once again. I’m beginning to realize that part of the problem is that I hang onto old themes that are no longer updated and I continue to tweak them myself. As the components that run WordPress […]

Physics teacher demonstrates Bernoulli’s principle #science

| September 20, 2023

What do you remember from Physics class? How about Bernoulli’s principle (something mentioned before). Physics teacher shows Bernoulli's principle — Mind Blowing (@blowingfactz) September 17, 2023

Automotive, but with a beachy Throwback Thursday twist #TBT

| September 14, 2023

A week or so ago, a tweet (or is it X?) appeared on an automotive publication’s social media account … and it caught my eye (see below). It triggered a memory of a well loved plastic 1957 Ford Ranchero that my brother and I had in our large collection of toy cars and trucks; some […]

Where are Americans Born?

| September 5, 2023

There was an interesting tidbit shared on (formerly Twitter) that highlighted in graphical color where a states population was born. It highlights movements from different areas of the country to other areas, populations who were not transient … as well as what state people born outside the US made home. 

Tech Friday: Elon Musk announces Twitter’s bird is now X

| July 28, 2023

Things continue to change over at Twitter, at least as the old is removed and the new is implemented. I’m not sure the switch from the Twitter “bird” to the symbol “X” is all that big of a deal, but it does at least keep people in the tech world talking. Who knows if Elon […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog