Office and guest bedroom hardwood flooring progress

| April 28, 2022

In keeping with personal home project updating, our hardwood flooring has been moving along this week. The guys are making a mess sanding … but doing their best to contain dust. We are hoping for a stain-match to our existing oak floors, but in any case, the guest bedroom and office are taking shape. Unfortunately […]

Keeping the economy going by buying more stuff: Wood glue, sanding drums, Kubota maintenance items and grass seed

| April 12, 2022

While ordering Titebond III glue in the 16 oz size (best choice for wood glue) from ($7.98) instead of Amazon, who happened to only have other sizes and bulk packaging (although gone is $67 Prime shipping), I needed to add another item to my order to avoid the shipping charges. The Kubota ZD326 zero-turn […]

Archive: A leftover photo and priming Ellerie’s rocking chair

| March 1, 2022

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Archive: Damaged drywall and moldings in the changing room

| July 28, 2020

I started long overdue “Pumpy Umpy” damage repair of the changing room in the pool house. Hopefully I’ll stay focused and get it finished up before the end of the summer? Instead of using drywall, I’ve opted to use Greenboard even though it isn’t a wet room or floor. The area needed new drywall isn’t […]

Sanding – my favorite part of woodworking #sarcasm

| April 15, 2020

Instead of spending time this past Easter weekend dressing,going to church and getting together with family, I spent a few more hours sanding … and sanding … and sanding. My goal is to get this old exterior black walnut door (super thick veneer over oak – see above photo) ready to take a traditional oil […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog