RichC | June 24, 2022
After a week of working with the new “trade-up” from an older Echo (triggered by a $30 trade-in offer) to the 4th generation Amazon Echo “with premium sound, smart home hub (Zigbee) and Alexa” … the results have been mixed. My advice, don’t rush. First, I was looking forward to the idea to not need […]
Category: Advice, Alexa, Gadget, Innovation, Technology |
Tags: Alexa, amazon, cool-down, echo, hub, motion sensor, presence, smart home, smart speaker, tech friday, techfriday, thirdreality, zigbee
RichC | November 26, 2021
Trying to keep a mish-mash of smart devices running in our home is proving to be challenging. Not only do some devices deplete batteries at inconvenient times, but other fail due to technical glitches that I can only assume are due to software or server failures or updates gone wrong? Thankfully only a few smart […]
Category: Gadget, Technology |
Tags: Alexa, customer service, devices, led, lights, sengled, smart, smart home