Obituary: friend Bob Luken passed away last month

| July 3, 2024

Although it was not a surprise, another long time friend and our EAA chapter president Bob Luken, passed away in Dayton, Ohio last month. He had moved to a nursing home after a couple of falls and was having difficulty breathing. We talked earlier in the month regarding a few items for EAA284 and he […]

The Red Stewart Airshow and EAA284 Fly-in/Pancake Breakfast

| September 2, 2021

Since I post the flyer and announcement over at my local EAA284 (Experimental Aircraft Association) website, I’ll double up and add it to my blog as usual too. Join us for the Red Stewart Airfield 24th Annual Airshow September 4, 2021 starting at 5pm and the EAA Chapter 284 Taildragger Fly-In/Pancake Breakfast Sunday September 5, 2021 […]

The 22nd Annual Red Stewart Airfield Airshow for 2019 and our 52nd EAA284 Taildragger Fly-In and pancake breakfast

| August 26, 2019

Although our local EAA chapter’s Fly-In and Sunday’s pancake breakfast was questionable this year if there wasn’t an airshow on Saturday, the Stewarts were able to gather the pilots together for the Red Stewart Airfield 22nd Annual Airshow. The weekend is always well attended and appreciated by the community and those who enjoy aviation […]

Red Stewart Airfield 21st Annual Airshow and EAA chapter 284’s Taildragger Fly-In Pancake Breakfast at 40I on Sept 1 – 2 2018

| August 25, 2018

This Labor Day weekend is the annual Stewart Airshow and our EAA chapter’s fly-in and pancake breakfast. If you enjoy aviation and mostly vintage aircraft flying in and out of a well cared for grass airstrip, this outing is for you. The gathering in Waynesville Ohio is always an enjoyable community time and is fun […]

Blog issue: Hosting improvements delaying posts

| September 7, 2010

I’m noticing a few glitches from the weekend’s updates to the servers … posts and delayed posts. Hopefully this ‘test post’ will appear at noon on Tuesday and that I’ll get a few photos from my EAA chapters Taildragger Fly-in and Pancake breakfast posted this evening too. Adding an old 1977 Jackson Browne song just […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog