RichC | September 30, 2023
Thirteen years ago I blogged on the US National Debt spiraling out of control (the US National Debt was $13.5 Trillion in September of 2013) … who knew we wouldn’t even remotely take this exponentially increasing monstrosity seriously? Now we’re $33 TRILLION in debt, running huge deficits, and adding to the national debt even faster […]
Category: Financial, Politics |
Tags: clock, government, inflation, spending, taxes, trillion, usdebt, waste
RichC | September 13, 2017
And the number one reason to upgrade to the latest Apple iPhone (8, 8plus or X) … the talking Poophead emoji. (see WSJ video) Now personally I don’t have a need for this new latest and greatest iPhone, but know many of my fellow Apple gadget addicted friends will definitely find a way to scrape […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Technology |
Tags: apple, iphone, iphonex, smartphone, trillion, wsj