RichC | February 3, 2009
Here’s hoping that everyone who lives in my neck of the woods, from Dayton to Cincinnati Ohio, made it home safely? The roadways on Tuesday afternoon were about as slick as they can get without being sheets of ice. That was evident by the very slow going and significant number of vehicle either in the […]
Category: Cellphone, Photos, Weather |
Tags: cincinnati, driving, ice, snow, sw ohio, weather
RichC | February 3, 2009
Although all the Superbowl 43 ads are here, I’m only going to embed one … not because it is a favorite, but because I know my Audi-loving son will enjoy it (besides we both enjoyed the Tranporter movies with Jason Statham). Check out the making of the Audi Superbowl ad below …
Category: Automotive, Sports, Video-TV |
Tags: ads, audi, superbowl, transporter, youtube
RichC | February 3, 2009
Volkswagen, a leader in clean alternative fuel technology, will be launching four new BlueMotion vehicles. Two of them will be super clean diesels, the Passat BlueMotion, Passat Blue TDI, one running on compressed natural gass — the Passat TSI EcoFuel, and the headliner a Touareg V6 TSI Hybrid. The Touareg with be be VW’s first […]
Category: Automotive |
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Tags: bluemotion, diesel, hybrid, passat, tdi, touareg, volkswagen, vw