Archive: Getting hit in the face is a good day to forget
Posted By RichC on March 17, 2012
Friday was one of those days I would rather forget … and I know Taylor would say the same. For me, it was a day of running around to hospitals, dentists and doctors with my son … for Taylor it was a obviously more painful.
He was Uptown in Oxford (Miami University-Ohio) on a Thursday night and met some of his friends at a bar … not my preference, but he is 22 and in college. The evening ended about 1-1:30 and the girls headed back to their rooms in one direction and Taylor back to his house which is in another. Usually he would be with a group of guys, but this evening he was alone (an obvious mistake … but it is “small college town” Oxford).
The sidewalk is well traveled but not so well lit but even at 1AM there are students walking home or standing around outside. Unfortunately for Taylor, two thugs decided to bash his head … no provocation and not even time to look to see who hit him. He blacked out and the next thing he remembers is the rescue squad trying to get him to the hospital.
The nurse used his cell phone to call his sister in Columbus who in turn call home.
After some observation and a CT scan they released him, but recommend a stitch in his eyelid and to have a surgeon look at his orbital tripod fracture. Of course the surgeon recommended surgery (we’ll get a second opinion). In the meantime he was able to get a temporary cap on the fractured molar by the dentist, but needs a crown. Ugh.
Hopefully a good night sleep, a little reduced swelling will give a better perspective on things in the morning? (btw … reminds me of his rugby injury)