RichC | May 30, 2013
Adding another interview from the hard working young band, Nicki Bluhm and the Gramblers, that appeals to those of my generation — mentioned their van sessions in the past. I wish the music recording audio was better, but the HD video and interview from Baeble is excellent. (video below) Watch the full video at
Category: Music, Video |
Tags: baeble, bluhm, gramblers, Music, nicki
RichC | May 30, 2013
Saw this animated GIF image and immediately thought of a couple of my friends who have cats … and the eternal debate as to which way to reload the toilet paper – over or under? (although doesn’t look like it matters!)
Category: Humor, Misc |
Tags: animated, cats, gif, pets
RichC | May 30, 2013
Although there might be a way to improve on the “hatch” in order to store a phone, wallet, car remote, etc … these Stash Waterproof Pocket Shorts are a great idea for beach-goers, water sport enthusiasts or … cough, cough … sailing. I’d like to think the new upstart company will raise the funding, but […]
Category: Financial, Social Media, Sports, Video |
Tags: clothing, kickstarter, sailing, stash