Obamacare will impact NE Ohio and the Cleveland Clinic

Posted By on September 22, 2013

The Cleveland Clinic is a bright spot in medical care for those of us living in Ohio and for people from around the country (and world) who need some of the best medical care available. The Clinic was even touted as a role model of health care by President Obama when pushing for his Affordable Care Act in 2009. Now that ObamaCare is law and nearing the 2014 implementation date, clevelandcliniccuts130920the Cleveland Clinic announced that it is being forced to cut $330 million from its budget (5-6%) due to the new healthcare law. As Northeast Ohio’s largest employer with 42,000 employees, the cuts being announced will be felt by the entire region and has everybody on edge.

According to a spokesperson for the Clinic, the cuts are necessary as we “prepare for increased costs and decreased revenue under the health care reform law.” Some of the changes will included offering early retirement to approximately 3,000 employees and reducing operational costs … but the final step will be employee layoffs as needed.

From my perspective, it is difficult to see how reducing budgets, staff and medical care at the best run and most highly respected institutions … while attempting to covering 30+ million more American under the new government run insurance exchanges … is going to result in improved health care? Charles Krauthammer had and insightful 30 second comment this past week when pointing out how the Obama adminstration’s big government is improving life for you and me — “brilliant!”

  Charles Krauthammer on FoxNews Special Report (or mp3) – 9/20/2013


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
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