RichC | October 15, 2014
It’s October … why would anybody be surprised by the market heading violently in the down direction? I posted earlier this afternoon while watching the market selloff across the board and figured the end of the day deserved an update. At one point the Dow was down 460 points with most stocks moving sharply to […]
Category: Audio, Business, Financial |
Tags: chris faulkner, cnbc, energy, finance, investing, mp3, oil
RichC | October 15, 2014
Will the Apple event on Thursday do much to ease the pain $AAPL shareholders are feeling in Wednesday’s afternoon sell-off? Share prices dropped over 3% in the last couple of days with today taking the biggest dive. The expectation is for an iPad mini 3 an improved iPad Air with the new A8 64-bit chip, […]
Category: Apple, Financial |
1 Comment
Tags: aapl, apple, event, investing, ipad, stock, trading
RichC | October 15, 2014
WSJ’s “Ebola’s Deadly Reach” map of locations I understand our government’s reluctance to over react to the deadly Ebola virus, but disagree with the lack of precautions being taken to prevent the spread by those traveling from Western Africa to the United States … particularly by air. Commonsense dictates that we expect too much from […]
Category: Health, News, Politics |
Tags: africa, airport, ebola, policies, screening, virus, wsj