RichC | August 20, 2015
Those watching the Atlantic and Caribbean this time of year are keeping their eye on Tropical Storm Danny as it slowly spins towards the Leeward Islands. So far the hurricane season in the Atlantic has been gentle … but that’s not necessarily true for those in the Pacific. I’ll be keeping my eye on tropical […]
Category: Weather |
Tags: danny, hurricanes, tropical storm, weather
RichC | August 20, 2015
It has been a long week already and my brother and I are already having conversations about dad’s house and contents. I know it is something we need to do, but it seems so final … and I guess it is? We did talk about this a little bit with dad, but it wasn’t the […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Personal, Photos |
Tags: cars, dadc, family, hawk, momc, packard, Photos, remembering