Archive: We never tire of seeing this Atlantic Ocean view

Posted By on March 22, 2025

Atlantic Ocean view

Seeing this view each morning as we head to the beach never gets old. To be sure, I’ve posted similar photos a few times before, but even Rich and Brendaas the wallpaper on my iPhone, I can’t get enough of it. 

As our time in Florida for 2025 inches closer to a close, Brenda and I are savoring each 9-1/2 mile morning walk on the beach. Truth to be told, that distance each day can sometimes be more challenging than others — wind, waves and softness of the sand. I’m still amazed at how well Brenda’s hip continues to improve; after testament to modern orthopedic medicine and skilled surgeons. 

Our improvements at the condo this year have been relatively minor. We finally found a new lamp (but expensive in my opinion) and also added a set of bunk beds for our granddaughters when they visit. It took more than a simple screw here and there to assemble … and wondered to myself how some people are able to build them? Nevertheless, I have enjoyed working on it a few hours at a time (and they look and feel nice).

Garbage area

Outside, the fenced recycling and garbage area lost a large overgrown tree with roots that damaged underground utilities, so the improvement was to cut it down, grind out the roots and plant a new tree and screening bushes that will hopefully hide the bins? So far, so good. We’re also going to upgrade to fiber this summer that will be a great addition to our cable and internet (crossing my fingers).

A final FUN photo and comment are a couple of pilings we pass by each day while walking. We always place a token piece of coral or pretty shell on top of it while going by  … often getting wet in the process (collected by the next high tide). Last week someone hung a tee-shirt with Gulf of America on the piling.😊 

Gulf Of America Tee-shirt


Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog