Summer storms have been blasting through with a lot of wind
Posted By RichC on July 11, 2023
We’ve had several short-lived summer storms blasting through this year. Often I wrap up my sun sail in the back of the pool house garage (use it for a little shade), but didn’t last week. Unfortunately some VERY high winds hit and stretched out my homemade bungee (steel cable inside rope) and bent the hooks to smithereens. Thankfully the sun sail was not damage, but a couple days later Brenda noticed the gutters and soffits on the pool house were yanked loose. Ugh … more home repair.
On a side note … installed the inexpensive alumium scissor lift under my old wooden router table .. with a couple tweaks (see knob with epoxied Allen wrench crank). As mention in the previous post, it was going to be a Jerry Rigged affair, but will work until I decide on a more professional router table with lift and new router … although for my home workshop, I may never really need one?