RichC | September 7, 2017
Obviously the "promises" made by the Obama administration, and the Democrats who passed the Affordable Care Act (ACA), have failed us … and the current GOP controlled congress have failed to fix, repeal or replace (their promise if elected). Who in middle class America can afford health insurance at $1000/mo with a $12,900 deductible? As […]
Category: Audio, Financial, Health, Politics |
Tags: aca, dave ramsey, government, health care, mp3, obamacare, promises, radio
RichC | April 15, 2015
NPR’s Tom Ashbrook entertained an interesting discussion around the Cadillac plan tax which is part of Obamacare. If you’ve notice changes in your plan (just as colleges have), you will understand the emotions in the discussion. Well worth listening too … and yes, I’m a conservative who sometimes listens to NPR. NPR Tom Ashbrook […]
Category: Audio, Health, Politics |
Tags: aca, Affordable Care, Cadillac, healthcare, npr, obamacare, tax, tom ashbrook
RichC | November 21, 2013
Partisanship and opinions aside a moment, I took a serious look at the Affordable Care Act and exchange pricing just to see what it might cost IF one was to retire early and purchase heath care on the exchanges. As a resident of Ohio (or Florida), which both have federally run exchanges, the monthly outlay […]
Category: Financial, Health, Politics |
Tags: aca, exchanges, healthcare, obamacare