Try again: “Red Nile: A Biography of the World’s Greatest River”

| August 21, 2024

After spring gave way to summer, I put down a hardback book I started called “Red Nile — A Biography of the World’s Greatest River” by Robert Twigger, but after seeing this photo of a 22 feet, 2500 pound Crocodile in Niger, Africa, decided I wanted to pick it up again (it sits next to […]

Trying to keep up with my “Where’s Waldo” traveling friend Jeff

| March 27, 2024

My friend Jeff has been busy traveling for business for the first half of 2024 and I “think” is scheduled to be in some 20 countries doing cybersecurity audits. I’m having a challenging time keeping up with his whereabouts, but do know after some time in Southeast Asia and New Zealand (video below) that he […]

A blog filler, but humanitarian innovation worth mentioning

| February 23, 2024

Love to read a positive story or tidbit on social media … and this one about Kenton Lee and “The Shoe That Grows” caught my eye. In 2007, our founder Kenton Lee traveled to Nairobi, Kenya after graduating college. He lived and worked at a small orphanage with some incredible kids. One day, he was […]

Sesame Street has Big Bird … but Africa has the real thing

| January 22, 2020

Just how big is an African Crowned Eagle’s talons? BIG!!! A wider-view photo below …

Policies need to change to stop Ebola and protect U.S. citizens

| October 15, 2014

WSJ’s “Ebola’s Deadly Reach” map of locations I understand our government’s reluctance to over react to the deadly Ebola virus, but disagree with the lack of precautions being taken to prevent the spread by those traveling from Western Africa to the United States … particularly by air. Commonsense dictates that we expect too much from […]

Desultory tidbits: Africa, pre-1938 child labor and satisfaction

| September 7, 2014

Most of us see a few posts or images that seem interesting, thought provoking or just surprising. The Desultory tidbit title is a way to toss those collect bits into a miscellaneous post. This week a “size of Africa” map caught my attention as did an post titled “Money can by happiness” in The Economist. […]

TechFriday: Camtraptions and African Wildlife Photography

| March 28, 2014

Will Burrard-Lucas has been at the cutting edge of African wildlife photography using his BeetleCam and now BeetleCopter Camtraptions. The above video is from a GoPro Hero 3+ … but there are some excellent stills from the BeetleCam using a DSLR after the launch of his company in January 2014. Some great innovations. Click image […]

Mercy Ships is a medical charity worthy of support

| December 28, 2010

Over the years, I’ve encouraged several friends to consider supporting the medical charity, partially because I like it’s efficient and effective self-contained hospital ships. Besides that, it is also is a well managed and long running humanitarian charity (1978) which has a solid structure and experience board. As 2010 draws to a close, I […]

Great White Shark following Kayak poster

| March 27, 2008

This is an older photo that was published in African Geographic in December 2006, but I saw it framed on an office wall and thought it was pretty cool. Can you imagine Kayaking and being tailed by an interested Great White Shark? (by the way … its real — click photo for larger scan or […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog