RichC | November 17, 2023
Really just testing a new (Twitter) setup after the MyDesultoryBlog account stopped updating several months ago. An API change has made it more difficult for automated accounts to send out tweets. Adding a photo to keep Apple aware that I still would really like an iPhone Flip!
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: api, flip, iphone, testing,
RichC | November 3, 2023
Simple test for my automated MyDesultoryBlog’s account after an API update. This WordPress plug-in using a newly updated service should start to work again. This post will probably be deleted although since I like the Elon Musk ani-gif, I might just keep it. Will this feature work again?
Category: Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: api, elon musk, tech friday, techfriday, twitter, wordpress,, xposter
RichC | August 11, 2023
As My Desultory Blog approaches 8000 posts, it has become increasingly clear that tags and categories are becoming worthless. Besides having too many, they are all too full and do little for me to find anything (or anyone else). The search feature has always been a problem and makes it difficult for even me to […]
Category: Blogs, Social Media, Software |
Tags: api, blog, categories, change, php, plugins, tags, tech friday, techfriday, themes, twitter, updates, wordpress
RichC | July 25, 2023
The API is not accepting updates to MyDesultoryBlog Twitter account. Reset new “keys and tokens” to see if it updates? This will be deleted as it is only a test.
Category: Productivity, Social Media, Technology |
Tags: amazon, api, hooks, twitter