RichC | November 16, 2019
Here’s a WIRED article that made me think … although it has a misleading title line, even if that is what caught my attention and started me reading it. When does user-friendliness, algorithms and anticipatory artificial intelligence that is designed to help us make decisions, end up becoming "I don’t need to think at all" […]
Category: Archive, Business, Human Interest, Innovation, Misc |
Tags: ai, algorithms, article, artificial intelligence, b-17, decisions, design, macintosh, steve jobs, user friendly, wired, ww2
RichC | May 4, 2013
Jay Leno does a great job shooting automotive videos in between his real job duties (aka: The Tonight Show) and occasionally detours into subjects that interest many of us. His recognition for aviation history and those who fought for our country is appreciated … as is talking about the amazing B-17. Nice job. On a side note, I would love […]
Category: Automotive, Aviation, Entertainment, Video |
Tags: b-17, b-26, fred howard, History, jay leno, wwii
RichC | June 13, 2011
It was a good day for pilot and passengers aboard the flying historic WWII bomber Liberty Belle (, but not so good for those who have devoted their lives to the restoration and preservation of flying history. From the crash video above, all were lucky to be out with their lives, but the damage to […]
Category: Aviation, Millitary, News |
Tags: b-17, illinois, liberty belle
RichC | October 31, 2010
The final day of our mini-vacation was spent in the sun and ocean. We relaxed on the beach and enjoyed the sunshine and warm wind. The waves were large enough to make the body surfing fun as Brenda and I soaked up the last few hours before getting ready to head for home. While I […]
Category: Aviation, Personal, Photos |
Tags: aviation, b-17, ocean, surfing, vacation, wwii
RichC | September 3, 2009
While talking with a long time client and friend Bruce Claflin about the business climate, our conversation turned from that sour subject to our families. We both have close ties to living World War II USAF veterans and have sons heading in a similar direction — AF ROTC. His son being older and finishing up […]
Category: Aviation, History, Video |
Tags: b-17, howard claflin, maps, museum, wwii