RichC | March 25, 2022
Those who know me likely have noticed that I’m often wearing an Aftershokz headset. I’ve worn them for the last several years and since my hearing has been impacted by Ménière’s disease way back in the late 1990s (long story) … in dealing with Menieres related hearing loss, I have found a bone conduction headset […]
Category: Advice, Cellphone, Gadget, Personal, Shopping, Technology |
Tags: aeropex, aftershokz, bone, conduction, headphones, headset, listening, Music, openrun, podcast, radio, shokz, tech friday, techfriday, Technology
RichC | September 29, 2017
After slowly giving up on ever really making my “90% hearing loss” right ear useful again (due to Ménière’s disease – posts 1 or 2), I had a chance to try out my buddy Jeff’s After Shokz bluetooth headset a couple weeks ago. I’m not saying it was like I was binaural again, BUT the “bone conduction” […]
Category: Advice, Audio, Cellphone, Innovation, Music, Technology |
Tags: after shokz, bluetooth, bone, conduction, headset, hearing, menieres, tech friday, techfriday