RichC | February 15, 2016
One of my long time sailing acquaintances is Donna Lange who has been sailing her small boat Inspired Insanity around the world for a second time. Earlier I posted her progress, but this past weekend while closing in on the treacherous Cape Horn, she was knocked down twice and is struggling to move north to […]
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Tags: circumnavigating, donna lange, knockdown
RichC | September 12, 2015
A few years back I was somewhat attentive to following a sailing friend, Donna Lange, complete her solo sail around the world. I’ve been less tuned in on her “Sail Twice Around” voyage due to being more focused on my wife’s injury and father’s passing. It is time to catch up a little bit. Donna […]
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Tags: circumnavigating, donna lange, sailing
RichC | August 6, 2010
Far be in from me to discourage sailing, cruising and voyaging around the world … but at some point a parent will go too far in supporting a parent’s a child’s dream. Personally speaking my childhood hero was Robin Lee Graham who set sail at 16 for his around the world voyage – and there […]
Category: Cellphone, Sailing, Weather |
Tags: circumnavigating, colin, hurricane, sailing, track-it-deluxe
RichC | June 11, 2010
According to the Search and Rescue crews and the AFESA taskforce leader Will Blackshaw, “Abby is in very good spirits.” From Abby Sunderland’s blog: Search and rescue crew members have described how stricken 16-year-old yachtswoman Abby Sunderland remained “in good spirits” after being spotted from the air yesterday. A crew of 11 SES and FESA […]
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Tags: circumnavigating, cruising, News, sailing
RichC | June 11, 2010
I’ve scanned the heavily reported news stories (over 3000 on Google) on Abby Sunderland this Friday morning after hearing she was safe inside her damage boat Wild Eyes and have concluded that the media does a pretty good job of reporting the sensational side of blue water sailing – and with a 16 year old […]
Category: Sailing |
Tags: circumnavigating, cruising, grib, weather
RichC | June 10, 2010
I’ve posted a couple of times on circumnavigators and in particular a couple solo sailors that are female. I followed and shared emails with Donna Lange a few years ago as she rounded the globe and have recently posted on Jessica Watson (Australian teen) who completed her circumnavigation and 16 year old Abby Sunderland of the […]
Category: News, Sailing |
Tags: circumnavigating, cruising, emergency, sailing
RichC | May 6, 2010
Sixteen year old solo sailor Abby Sunderland has sailed safely into Cape Town South Africa in her circumnavigation adventure. She was met by her father and brother who took the same trip last year. Although I’m an advocate for those who cruise and sail oceans (Jessica Watson and previous post), the record seeking trend to […]
Category: Sailing, Video |
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Tags: circumnavigating, record, sailing
RichC | April 28, 2010
In sticking with the sailing theme, the youngest non-stop solo circumnavigating sailor is nearing her starting point of Sydney, Australia. Jessica Watson, age sixteen (17 on May 18th), is in her country’s home waters and nearing Tasmania, but is experiencing rough conditions and large seas. Her spirits are good as seen on a Skype call […]
Category: News, Sailing |
Tags: circumnavigating, record, sailing, solo