RichC | March 5, 2021
A couple of weeks ago, someone asked me about using Strikethru coding for a WordPress blog (or for that matter, almost all webpages) .. and of course it is a simple html code solution and is fairly easy … just add: The html coding started me thinking about a few other potential problems since we […]
Category: Advice, Cloud, Computer, How-To, Productivity, Technology |
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Tags: code, cross-out, google calendar, How-To, html, Productivity, script, strickthru, tech friday, techfriday, tip
RichC | February 16, 2017
Unless you’ve had your head in the sand pile, you know that there is a shake-up happening in Washington DC since the election of President Donald Trump and his taking office less than 1 month ago. Much of the economic optimism seen by new records on Wall Street, job incentives and both interest rates and […]
Category: Business, Financial, Politics |
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Tags: code, government, income, irs, proposal, taxes, trump
RichC | November 4, 2016
The pile of new electrical parts in my photo likely doesn’t mean much to those who don’t enjoy tinkering with computer and robotic projects, but for me a novice in programming computers gadgets, it is an chance to learn on the cheap. With the budget Raspberry Pi and Pine64 computers, beginners of “all ages” have […]
Category: Computer, Education, Innovation, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
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Tags: code, computers, gadgets, learning, pine64, programming, raspberry pi, tech friday
RichC | January 18, 2014
Those who spend any amount of time listening to amateur radio hear operators closing their exchanges with a polite and concise “73” … meaning “best regards” … but where did it come from? From what I’ve read, it goes back to a convention in 1859 where telegraph operators discussed saving “line time” by devising a […]
Category: History |
1 Comment »
Tags: amateur, code, ham, phillips, radio