RichC | June 17, 2022
When it comes to a headset/headphones, I wear them all the time and am pretty much an Aftershokz guy. I find that I rarely take them off during the day, ever since getting my first “bone conduction” Bluetooth headset. I love nearly everything about the current Aeropex model even as the company updates with newer […]
Category: Audio, Gadget, Music, Shopping, Technology |
Tags: aeropex, aftershokz, bluetooth, david clark, distraction, headphones, headset, jawbone, koss, mpow, Music, noise-cancelling, palm, tech friday, techfriday, wyze
RichC | December 24, 2020
Since I expect to be busy with our family on Christmas Eve Day, I’ll prepare a post for Throwback Thursday #TBT with a few old handsaws from my families past and asked the rhetorical question to myself: “Why do you keep old handsaws that you never use?” Actually I don’t recall really needing to use […]
Category: Art, History, Human Interest, Personal, Photos, TBT, Woodworking |
Tags: antique, basement, bluhm, dadc, dadh, distraction, family, handsaw, jack post, painting, playing cards, rustoleum, storage, TBT
RichC | September 27, 2019
An interesting article this past week’s Wall Street Journal detailed the "distraction" and "attraction" boys seem to have with video games in comparison to girls. Vice versa, girls are far more attracted to social networking (big surprise) on their devices, but are better at juggling their time. I suspect this is just a new twist […]
Category: Gadget, Human Interest, Technology |
Tags: boy, brain, distraction, gadgets, girl, social network, tech friday, techfriday, Technology, video games, wsj
RichC | November 18, 2018
This content is restricted.
Category: Misc, Personal, Photos, Productivity, Woodworking |
Tags: annalyn, desk, distracted, distraction, dovetails, drawer, kitchen, Productivity, sidetracked, woodworking, workbench, workshop
RichC | November 17, 2018
Last week while clearing off our bookshelves I came across a ticket to The Music Man from 18 years ago when my nephew Ben played the lead in his high school musical. It occurred to me that his birthday was this month and that I should post it to his Facebook page while sending him […]
Category: Energy, Hobby, Productivity, Science, Tidbits, Video |
Tags: ben skinner, distracted, distraction, efficiency, engine, heat, model, mp4, musical, sidetracked, stirling, ticket, video