RichC | May 20, 2023
An opinion article by Faith Bottum in the Wall Street Journal about ink on paper books, ebook readers and bookshelves spoke to me last week … so I tweeted about it in agreement; I love having books in the home. Perhaps being in printing and publishing established my love for ink on paper, but for […]
Category: Books, Gadget, Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: bookshelf, bookshelves, ebooks, ereader, faith bottum, ink, library, opinion, paper, reading, twitter, wsj
RichC | April 27, 2017
After borrowing my daughter’s Nook, and my friends Kindle, I finally have my own ereader — thanks to MyDesultoryBlog readers and discreet Google Ad clickers. I now can travel and read comfortably without disassembling the keyboard off my iPad Air2 and "hefting" the much heavier and larger tablet in front of my face. My second-hand […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary, Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment
Tags: amazon, ebooks, ereader, kindle, mchooyah, robert o'neill, the operator, voyage
RichC | February 28, 2015
The Overdrive app on my iPad is one of my favorite reading and “listening” apps on any of my devices (previously commented). It is super for those who would love to spend more time going to the public libraries but have trouble finding the time to go. Have a “FREE” way to borrow from libraries […]
Category: Audio, Books, Software, Tablet |
Tags: app, audio, Books, ereader, ipad, library
RichC | September 10, 2010
While still not quite ready to buy another gadget, I’m thinking a better time to adjust to using an eReader, iPad or tablet device might be winter?
[flv:Newsday_and_the_iPad_app.flv 490 265]
Category: Humor, Technology, Video |
Tags: ereader, ipad, newsday, tablet
RichC | July 21, 2010
I met my daughter at the Barnes and Noble bookstore tonight and had a chance to play with her electronic Nook reader again, but this time in the store. I have to admit for reading, the screen is excellent and reading text easy even for my presbyopia. Reading from the eReader has me re-thinking that […]
Category: Books, Technology |
Tags: ebook, ereader, ipad, kindle, nook
RichC | April 26, 2010
Since my daughter left her Barnes and Noble Nook at home, I took advantage of updating to the much speedier and improved version 1.3 software. The eBook reader has substantially improved its page turning and now has a less than exciting web browser. I’m not sure I’d use it for much more than very light […]
Category: Books, Technology |
Tags: ebook, ereader, ipad, kindle, nook
RichC | February 13, 2010
With my daughter at home for a couple weeks while doing an M3 year “exploratory” at Children’s Hospital here in Cincinnati, I had the chance to use her new Barnes and Noble Nook to read a book. After the newness wore off and the expense of paying for digital ebooks and publications took hold, I’ve […]
Category: Books, Business, Technology |
Tags: ebook, ereader, ipad, kindle, nook, publishing
RichC | June 19, 2006
Sony has been showing off its Reader at several of the consumer electronic events around the country and from the reviews looks to be a winner of a product. The small size, clear text, and long battery life as well storage capacity should make this a winner. The only thing holding it back might be […]
Category: Books, Misc, Technology |
Tags: Books, ereader, gadget, kindle, nook, reader, sony