Books: “Killing the Rising Sun” by Bill O’Reilly (2016)

| February 1, 2025

When it comes to reading downloaded books on my Kindle, sometimes I need to pick up where I left off. Last year I started to reading Bill O’Reilly’s 2016 book “Killing the Rising Sun” and put it down to read something else. So this year, I’ve picked it back up again while spending some extended […]

Reading: Which do you prefer: Computer, iPad, Kindle or Paper?

| December 11, 2024

After typing the title and looking at my photo below from Sunday afternoon, I realized that listing “smartphone” should also be added to the title/subject list … since it more than likely is read from the most these days? I personally have always been a luddite and preferred paper as the medium of choice when […]

An ebook and two photos from my friend Jeff for #TBT

| August 17, 2023

My friend Jeff and I regularly talk about the books we are reading over lunch or on the back porch (too infrequent though) and he sent me one to read last week.  I told him I would start as soon as I finished Pappy Boyington’s “Baa Baa Black Sheep” that I’m thoroughly enjoying. “Conservatism, A […]

Books: “The Courage to Be Free” (2023) – Ron DeSantis

| May 10, 2023

My library borrowing and Kindle game caught up with me this week as the book I borrowed, “Metathreats,”  (and was in the middle of reading) expired … but because I have been keeping my Kindle in “Airplane Mode,” I continued reading. Generally I can’t finish a book without renewing so will often put my Kindle […]

Tech Friday: New Apple Credit Card and library to Kindle books

| November 4, 2022

Posting this late on Thursday night after watching the Houston Astros win game 5 of the 2022 World Series against the Philadelphia Phillies making the series 3 games to 2; it has been an enjoyable five games so far … especially since I really am not invested in either team. As for the Tech Friday […]

Book: “The End of the World is just the Beginning” – Peter Zeihan

| October 29, 2022

My friend Jeff and I enjoy discussing and debating nearly every topic under the sun, but few subjects have held our attention over the decades like the impact of technology on society, geopolitics and how changing governments handle or don’t handle the demographics shifts. I tend to look at it from the perspective of an […]

Books: “The Day the Markets Roared” by Henry Kaufman

| September 4, 2022

Having recently read an article about Dr. Doom and “his pinnacle of influence” on August 17th, 1982, I’m adding Henry Kaufman’s book “The Day the Markets Roared” to my Amazon Kindle “want to read” list. Obviously since it is a look back on financial market history, it is not all that crucial that I read […]

Tech Friday: Replaced the lithium battery in my Kindle Voyage

| July 16, 2021

My Amazon Kindle Voyage is not used much for reading anymore as I have gravitated to using my iPad, but every time I’ve picked it up lately the battery has been dead. So after ordering an inexpensive replacement lithium battery – it is surprisingly small – I popped the back off with the help of […]

Music Monday: Ballad of the Green Berets for Veterans Day

| November 11, 2019

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Book: The Forgotten Highlander: An Incredible WW2 Story …

| October 24, 2018

I can’t vouch for the complete book (I’ve just starting reading it), but for those of us who appreciate first hand accounts of heroism, survival and World War II history … spending $2 on Alistair Urquhart’s "The Forgotten Highlander: An Incredible WWII Story of Survival in the Pacific," is well worth it. An amazing story […]

Favorite Book from last couple years: Star Sand by Roger Pulvers

| April 28, 2018

While on the subject of reading and books (after posting about Robert Kurson’s Rocket Men a couple days ago), I realized I didn’t really share much a book I read a couple years ago (mentioned briefly in 2016). Star Sand by Roger Pulvers  (May 2016) is currently a free Kindle download for Amazon Prime customers and […]

Book: Secrets of Sand Mountain by Philip C Elrod

| August 30, 2017

Every once in a while I strike up a conversation with a lessor known author about their writing and want to read their work. Philip C. Elrod is one such author and after exchanging a few messages, I decided I should at least give the first book of his series about events atop Sand Mountain […]

New book: White Working Class by Joan C. Williams

| May 16, 2017

The Kindle ebook reader is my preferred choice ever since getting my "own" ereader. My buddy Jeff has found a new way to entertain me … gifting Amazon books (this one for my birthday). I sense that he assumes everybody reads as much as he does? I assure you that I do not … but […]

Reading and downloading ebooks on my Kindle Voyage

| April 27, 2017

After borrowing my daughter’s Nook, and my friends Kindle, I finally have my own ereader — thanks to MyDesultoryBlog readers and discreet Google Ad clickers. I now can travel and read comfortably without disassembling the keyboard off my iPad Air2 and "hefting" the much heavier and larger tablet in front of my face. My second-hand […]

Bull Canyon for the iPad while the price is right

| July 25, 2013

I notice that for a few days that Lin Pardey’s Kindle version of the book Bull Canyon is only $2.99. I’ve been wanting to read for a while now (since I own all of the more practical Pardey books) and have enjoyed everything previously written or put to video. I don’t expect it to be […]

Book: General Stanley McChrystal and My Share of the Task

| January 15, 2013

If you enjoy reading history and military biographies, the new General Stanley McChrystal autobiography My Share of the Task will be your “cup of tea Joe.” I ordered an ebook version last week after reading a couple short reviews and found it difficult to put down. In fact, I found myself rewinding the Tivo buffer […]

Still pondering the need/want of a tablet or reader

| June 15, 2011

It is hard to believe, but yesterday was the first chance I had to play with an Apple iPad – thanks @jwestwood. I surprised at just how snappy the large touchscreen was on her second generation tablet as compared to my aging Palm Pre. I especially liked the optional Logitech Bluetooth cover/keyboard … although the […]

Rethinking eReaders after hauling around fat books

| July 21, 2010

I met my daughter at the Barnes and Noble bookstore tonight and had a chance to play with her electronic Nook reader again, but this time in the store. I have to admit for reading, the screen is excellent and reading text easy even for my presbyopia. Reading from the eReader has me re-thinking that […]

B&N Nook gets an upgrade and is selling better than Kindle

| April 26, 2010

Since my daughter left her Barnes and Noble Nook at home, I took advantage of updating to the much speedier and improved version 1.3 software. The eBook reader has substantially improved its page turning and now has a less than exciting web browser. I’m not sure I’d use it for much more than very light […]

What are you really getting with eBooks?

| February 13, 2010

With my daughter at home for a couple weeks while doing an M3 year “exploratory” at Children’s Hospital here in Cincinnati, I had the chance to use her new Barnes and Noble Nook to read a book. After the newness wore off and the expense of paying for digital ebooks and publications took hold, I’ve […]

Gadget news: Sony® Reader and ebooks

| June 19, 2006

Sony has been showing off its Reader at several of the consumer electronic events around the country and from the reviews looks to be a winner of a product. The small size, clear text, and long battery life as well storage capacity should make this a winner. The only thing holding it back might be […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog