RichC | May 11, 2024
On Friday May 10, 2024, I started noticing the beautiful northern lights (aurora borealis) photos showing up on my social media feed. They were so impressive that I told Brenda that we would need to go outside in the evening. While glancing at my skywatching info, I also notice that the International Space Station […]
Category: Archive, Cellphone, Diesel, Environment, Photography, Photos, Repairs, Social Media, Space |
Tags: aurora borealis, backyard, diesel, gx8, international space station, iphone14, iphone7plus, iss, kubota, lumix, northern lights, skywatching
RichC | April 21, 2019
Happy Easter … He Is Risen. He Is Risen Indeed! The resurrection of Jesus and His “ascension” to heaven is a vision we can only imagine. When I’m too busy to blog, a beautiful photo from space works well as an Easter post. Here’s a photo from the International Space Station (#ISS) just after a […]
Category: Archive, Faith, Holiday, Photography, Photos, Space |
Tags: ascension, clouds, easter, iss, jesus, launch, nasa, photography, rocket, shuttle, space
RichC | October 20, 2018
Earlier in October, as well as mid summer, I’ve been trying to get a better nighttime view of the International Space Station (ISS) passing over our house. It has been tracking overhead for the last few weeks an hour or so after the the sun set. The angle was such that our sky was completely […]
Category: Apple, Cellphone, Photography, Photos, Space |
Tags: astronomy, international space station, iphone7plus, iss, mars, sky guide
RichC | July 26, 2018
We been enjoying summer and mostly great weather around the house and yard so far this year in 2018 and Brenda‘s growing landscape mounds are all flowering and looking really nice (she has been working on them although her current Grand Jury duty is cutting into her free time). The last few days of slightly […]
Category: Archive, Personal, Photography, Space |
1 Comment
Tags: court, duty, flowers, grand jury, grass, iss, mounds, pool, skywatching, venus, yard
RichC | November 2, 2013
Category: Photos, Space |
Tags: iss, nasa, space, wsj
RichC | October 21, 2013
If you are looking forward to seeing the new Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. space oriented movie Gravity, here’s an interesting real life International Space Station demonstration showing just how much (or little) effort it takes to move in zero gravity. While thinking about it … check out the Gravity Trailer.
Category: Space, Video |
Tags: gravity, iss, movie, space
RichC | May 17, 2013
Category: Misc, Photos, Space |
Tags: iss, photo, space