RichC | May 11, 2019
Although I regularly sharpen our "home" kitchen knives in my workshop and maintain the edge with a "steel" (love to try ceramic rod) … but that was not possible last week in Florida. I noticed when cleaning up the condo and starting the master bathroom update after the winter lease ended, that the new kitchen […]
Category: Advice, Shopping, Tools |
Tags: amazon, condo1718, cooking, kitchen, knife, knives, review, sharpen, sharpening, sunrisepro
RichC | May 28, 2015
Shortly after Brenda and I were married, I commented that I was going to write an advice book for new couples that included the good and bad decisions we made when buying things for our home, yard, kids and our life. After all this time I’ve yet to write the advice book, but continue to […]
Category: Advice, Tidbits, Tools |
Tags: calphalon, cooking, house, kitchen, knife, knives, tools
RichC | November 18, 2014
One of the items from my mother and father-in-law’s farmhouse that I wanted were her thin-bladed stainless steel kitchen knives. They were “always” dull, but the cast handles and all metal construction made them perfect for the dishwasher (although a couple of the tips were pretty bent). We have two similar knives in our kitchen […]
Category: Advice, Personal, Sailing, Tools |
Tags: boat, encore, galley, kitchen, knife, knives, tips