RichC | November 9, 2021
After learning to tie a Monkey Fist knot this past year, I decided to make a couple Christmas ornaments for my granddaughters. I was planning to attach them to their presents in December, but Brenda suggested they should have them before Christmas so that they could hang them on their tree. Yikes, now I need […]
Category: Personal, Photos, Sailing, Tidbits, Weather |
Tags: ani gif, anigif, backporch, chores, christmas, fire, gifts, granddaughters, knots, monkey fist, ornaments, projects, tdiclub
RichC | September 20, 2020
Most people who enjoy sailing and undertake the sport/activity as a hobby, also enjoy learning how to handle the many sheets and lines (ropes) that are used aboard a sailboat. I’ve been sailing off and on my entire life and find myself relying on a few knots that I’m confident about. Oh, I also enjoy […]
Category: Archive, Hobby, Ideas, Photos, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: boating, hobby, ideas, knots, lines, nautical, rope, sailboat, sailing, sailor, tie, tying
RichC | July 29, 2020
If you spend much time on social networks, this is the kind of stuff you start to collect. So before tossing it … why not force it on someone else? 
Category: Humor, Misc, Photos, Social Media |
Tags: ani gif, anigif, dogs, filler, Humor, jumping, knots, ostrich, pig, tree, wood, yoda
RichC | May 27, 2018
There is always a need for "another knot" when sailing. Here’s one for joining lines together with a few pointers from Captain John’s Skipper Tips. Anytime you join one line to another, you want a knot that will hold under a shock load. Think of any line like a rubber-band. Boat wakes, tidal rise and […]
Category: Archive, Sailing |
Tags: knot, knots, line, rope, sailboat, seamanship, skipper, tying
RichC | May 8, 2018
Bitter end: the free end of a line Standing part: the longer part of a line which is fixed during the tying of a knot Bight: The part of the rope between the end and the standing part. A loop formed by folding the rope back on itself Turn: a loop formed around a post, […]
Category: Misc, Sailing |
1 Comment
Tags: boatsafe, knots, lines, marlinspike, rope, sailboat, terms, tying
RichC | July 26, 2016
Did you know that burned or melted ends could cause more problems? It may be a fast way for marine stores to cut new line when you purchase it. But if that hardened end catches on the outer core, it can chafe and break down delicate rope fibers. Follow these five easy steps to make […]
Category: Archive, How-To, Sailing, Tidbits |
Tags: knots, lines, rope, sailboat, tips, whipping
RichC | June 1, 2016
Soft shackles made from Dyneema are lighter and stronger than stainless steel, they are also kinder to your boat and your hands. Yachting Monthly demonstra Source: VIDEO: How to Make a Soft Shackle >> Scuttlebutt Sailing News
Category: How-To, Sailing, Video |
Tags: Dyneema, How-To, knots, magazine, shackle, soft, tying, video, yachting
RichC | December 20, 2015
This well done graphic has probably be around for a while since the Apple earbud looks to be the older type … but I thought the knot tying humor was pretty funny.
Category: Humor, Sailing |
Tags: earbuds, Humor, knots, line, rope, sailing
RichC | October 13, 2015
From Cruising World’s Facebook page: It’s How-To Tuesday! Here is one of our favorite, quick and easy ways tie a dependable stopper knot that won’t slip.
Category: Sailing |
Tags: cruising world, encore, knots, sailboat
RichC | January 30, 2015
Besides splicing a shackle to a halyard on a sailboat, I’ve used the mighty bowline tied directly to a sail grommet or to a shackle. Here’s a knot I haven’t tried — the Halyard Knot — and considering that it is most likely a permanent knot, perhaps whipping the end to the standing line would […]
Category: Sailing |
Tags: encore, halyard, knots, sailboat, splice