RichC | May 4, 2008
Its been a busy weekend as my son Taylor‘s Lakota East High School prom was Saturday night at the Cincinnati Convention Center, followed by early morning after prom back at the high school. (I’m tired and I didn’t even chaperon!) During an early morning conversation with the gang, who departed from our house by a […]
Category: Personal, Photos |
Tags: friends, lakota east, prom, school, taylor
RichC | May 12, 2006
It’s amazing to me that with all the recent news coverage that any teacher thinking about having relationships or inproperly interacting with students could still allow it to happen, let alone encourage it. Teachers certainly know better and shockingly are not showing judgement worthy of their position of trust. It hit pretty close to home […]
Category: Education, News, Video |
Tags: lakota east, relationships, students, teacher, video, wkrc