RichC | April 6, 2021
Democrats have been gaining ground over the past few years with their “hate Trump” blitzing supported by the leftists, big tech and mainstream media (one in the same from what I’ve seen), and continue to put heavy pressure politicians and corporations. Just as with the tactics used by BLM, Antifa and “woke” groups using racism, […]
Category: Business, Financial, News, Politics, Sports |
Tags: $KO, activism, all-star, boycott, coca-cola, delta, georgia, investing, jim crow, laws, mlb, nytimes, voter id, voting, woke, wsj
RichC | February 22, 2017
Should municipalities and states charge citizens if they exercise a constitutionally protected right? On the surface, most of us would say "no way" should a city or state charge US citizens to "vote," "worship" or to "speak freely" … but that’s what some politically left leaning cities and states do to those who own firearms. […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: connecticutt, constitution, firearms, guns, laws, Politics, regulation, rights, states
RichC | March 31, 2011
Keeping and eye on (and archiving) where one can and can’t use a cellphone while driving a car (posted in an AutoObserver). Click image for larger map Cell Phone States of Mind We’ve all been inspired to at least think, if not actually scream “Hang up and DRIVE!”, when we see a car drifting out […]
Category: Archive, Automotive, Cellphone |
1 Comment
Tags: Cellphone, laws, states