Tech Friday: Porting phone numbers has me holding my breath

| May 10, 2024

Sometimes I know that I’m just tempting fate … like when it comes to switching mobile phone carriers … in my case, MVNO companies.  Last year, I switch my aging iPhone 7 plus over to USMobile on a trial. I ended up finding it preferred to Mint Mobile (T-Mobile) and found the service to be […]

Tech Friday: How long before Apple makes an iPhone Flip?

| June 9, 2023

How long must I wait and watch in irritation as other manufacturers beside Apple or iOS “cloners” roll out “flip phone” (or even a slider) that at least from a first glance look like exactly what I personally am looking for in a future iPhone?  The form and function are exactly what at least some […]

Tech Friday: Keen 1963 portable phone insight Mansfield, OH

| January 7, 2022

Here’s a look back to a Mansfield News Journal article and something a little different for a New Year’s Nostradamus-y Tech Friday post … also in using the word “keen” it reflects the Christmas present/hiking shoes I bought (well Katelyn actually ordered) for Brenda … along with a bed-desk for her “preferred” office. 😉

Satisfied with price/service after 6 months with Mint Mobile

| August 4, 2021

After a conversation with a friend regarding the several smartphones his family has with AT&T, I mentioned that our service with Mint Mobile has been flawless … as was our Sprint-based Virgin Mobile and even Boost Mobile. Besides excellent coverage nearly everywhere we’ve been (don’t know about 5G service yet (July 2021 map below), but […]

An Akron/Canton CAK photo from my Palm Treo in 2006 #TBT

| April 1, 2021

While cleaning up one of my old Flickr accounts where my Palm Treo 700p photos were backed up, I stumbled across one of the first photos with it I took and posted to this blog – June 2006. Even though the camera was lacking by today’s cellphone standards, I still think the Palm PDA turned […]

Tech Friday: What is the best smartphone for 2021?

| March 26, 2021

The current opinion by many who review technology (and Consumer Reports) is that the best smartphone for 2021 is the Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max … although might be a bit larger than many are comfortable putting in their pockets. Personally I’ve shifted from wanting something small, like my old Samsung SPH-i500 aluminum bodied flipphone […]

Tech Friday: Life after switching to Mint Mobile has been good

| March 12, 2021

Back in January I switched my “off contract” iPhone7 Plus over to Mint Mobile and a month later switched over Brenda’s iPhone7. The transition was smooth and pretty much glitchless. Service from our previous Virgin Mobile then Boost Mobile plan is basically the same, although initially restricted me to 3GB of data per month (now […]

Tech Friday: Switched our iPhones to Mint Mobile to save $$$

| February 19, 2021

Well it is official, we are both with Mint Mobile. I’ve been using them for a month now and haven’t had any issues with their service (backboned on T-Mobile I believe) … and since saving money for the same service is a no-brainer, I’ve switched Brenda’s iPhone over this month as well …  and added […]

We’ve come a long way from “Reach Out and Touch Someone”

| April 14, 2020

Once upon a time, families who only snail-mailed cards and letters would on special occasions, like Easter, dial their corded rotary phones and pay for an expensive long distance call in order to “Reach Out and Touch Someone” as the marketing jingle would advertise (a 1970s commercial below the break). I remembered many phone calls […]

Tech Friday: Our forced switch from Virgin to Boost Mobile

| March 13, 2020

Earlier this year in preparation for the Sprint – T-Mobile merger, Sprint ended their business relationship with Virgin Mobile USA; Sprint was the carrier for the Virgin plans which we opted to switch to back in the summer of 2017. Neither Brenda or I have had any problems or complains with our wireless service or […]

Filling space with LTE speed test and humorous automotive GIF

| February 11, 2020

A month ago Virgin Mobile sent this happy customer (great service) an update indicating that due to the Sprint T-Mobile combination that the Virgin partnership would be spun off to Sprint’s Boost Mobile prepaid group.They promised an equal or better “deal” which has yet to be noticed … but then it has only been a […]

That’s just great #sarcasm – Our near perfect VirginMobile wireless phone plan is now BoostMobile

| January 8, 2020

Just when you have the perfect wireless plan (and pricing structure) figured out … someone throws a wrench (spanner) in the works. Thanks Richard Branson. #sarcasm Our Virgin Mobile iPhones (we have iPhone7s and iPhone7plus) … are being transferred to Boost Mobile. Ugh, that doesn’t sound promising?

Tech Friday: Screen Time and Classical Conditioning

| August 30, 2019

This content is restricted.

Technology, communication, parenting and The Lord’s Prayer

| July 7, 2019

This content is restricted.

Perhaps you should get a wireless phone plan in Oregon?

| February 7, 2019

The 2018 wireless phone Tax Foundation report came out in December 2018 and although we may have seen income tax rates drop, wireless phone plans continue to be ripe for the taxman’s pickings. It is shocking to see such a wide rate structure from all the different states (map above) but that doesn’t tell the […]

Tech Friday: The wireless carrier blues with a positive ending

| July 6, 2018

It is never fun playing plan games with wireless carriers, especially if you have been 100% satisfied with everything "as is." After switching to VirginMobileUSA last year due to a SUPER promotion, I could not be happier with Virgin’s special price and service … but all good things seem to come to an end. This […]

Tech Friday: Making power adapters last longer

| October 20, 2017

Here’s a short tip for making power adapter wires last longer when traveling or packing them in a computer bag: When winding the cord, don’t wrap the first loop too tight. The usual fail points when cords are coiled over and over are where the wires enter the power block or the plug, so allow […]

Magnetic car mount works with iPhone7+ after case change

| July 18, 2017

Originally I opted for a protective iPhone7+ case, but soon realized moving from the iPhone5 with a protective (bulky) Otterbox case to the much larger iPhone AND a protective (bulky) Supcase Unicorn Beetle was a lot of phone to slip into ones pocket. The final complaint was that I couldn’t slip the metal plate between […]

Is the old Palm Pre destined to be a collectible cellphone?

| March 17, 2015

Ran across and old story about cellphones that are Doomed to be Collectables … then I wondered, “Where is my Palm Pre?” Back before the smartphone market was narrowed down to two choices — Apple or Android — there was a phone company that sold a very compelling device beloved by professionals and consumers alike. […]

Ting and Freedompop – A successful week only using wireless

| October 29, 2014

Since moving away from Sprint and finally down to two cellphones in the family …except for a couple of spare emergency “burner” phones (grin) –one with my overseas travel SIM and the other a Samsung Galaxy S2 total free wireless plan on Freedompop. The point is that we were able to travel comfortably with our […]

We switched our cell service to this weekend

| October 6, 2014

After a few months of talking, we finally switch two of our phones to Ting. Hopefully the service won’t change and that with only two of us on the account we’ll be able to save a few dollars. As I mentioned before, my daughter made the switch a couple months ago after her move to […]

TechFriday: Pondering switching from Sprint to Ting

| September 12, 2014

While waiting on the discount cellphone carrier Ting (my daughter’s referral) to welcome my Sprint-based iPhone 5s, I’m also weighing Sprint’s new promos (iPhone for life, etc). Since Ting is only approved as a month-to-month reseller for non-current iPhone models, switching to them requires waiting a few more days or weeks until my second-hand “s” […]

Tech Friday: Low cost or free wireless data based on apps

| July 4, 2014

For those of use experimenting with free wireless plans and wondering if it is possible to have free cellphone service WITH data, Freedompop is inching closer. So far my experience has been marginal with both the limited free phone service and wireless hotspot. Usually when using data I push my 500MB per month limit and […]

News tidbits that interested me today … and a 6 year old post

| June 18, 2014

Lots of odds and ends in the news this Wednesday afternoon. First the Fed is not talking inflation and will be continuing with the expected $10 billion taper. Second, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezo introduced Amazon’s newest device called the Fire Phone … looks nice, but time will tell. It’s a 4.7” screen device with a […]

Can Sprint pull off the gigahertz strategy in the U.S?

| October 31, 2013

Because I’m in the midst of studying the next level of amateur radio theory and hoping to gain access to more HF Ham radio frequencies (ARRL PDF chart), a recent WSJ article regarding Sprint’s gigahertz frequencies made complete sense to me. The gist of the article is that Sprint has a “giant trove of high-frequency […]

Tech Friday: How does your cell network rank?

| January 25, 2013 offers a free online tool that compares cellphone networks in given markets. Obviously my choice of Sprint isn’t giving me the best service in south-western Ohio, but does improve when I drill down to my exact location … although I question the tested download (.81 Mbps?) and upload (9.03 Mbps?) speeds (below)? I’m still […]

Smartphone photography with the new Apple iPhone 5

| September 22, 2012

The Apple iPhone 5 camera makes for a substantial improvement over my previous smartphone’s camera and so I was anxious to experiment with image quality and play with a few of the hyped features. Since I’m upgrading from the nearly “extinct” Palm Pre, running a rooted webOS install, any modern smartphone camera would have been an […]

Finding yourself distracted while driving?

| August 18, 2012

It seems like I’m driving a bit more than usual this summer and am working to pay more attention to the road than to my gadgets inside a the car. This is not to say I’ve been a terrible driver, but I certainly have been prone to using technology way more than is safe. Driving […]

We will stay married to Sprint for a couple more years

| August 9, 2012

We were (well “I” was) planning to let our Sprint wireless contract expire without signing up for another 2 year contract, but my son’s dead Blackberry encouraged a quick look around. While contemplating   what was available, we decided to stick it out and decided on the Samsung Galaxy S II Epic. We were not satisfied […]

Tech Friday: Free online email services compared

| June 8, 2012

Like many long time Internet users, I have signed up and used my share of free client based and online email services over the years. One from back in the 90s that American Express offered was free to small business customers, but ended up spun off and turned fee based a decade ago. Since I’m […]

Ohio’s new law regarding text messaging and driving

| June 7, 2012

I’m sure I’m not the only one noticing the growing number of drivers texting and driving distracted (and ‘yes’ I have unfortunately done my share). Of course it is not just messaging, but also looking at dashboard information displays and GPS devices … and even watching movies on video screens … but soon doing it […]

Nickel and dime style increases continue at Sprint

| February 16, 2012

Although I’ve stayed with Sprint for mobile service for over a decade, I’m constantly irritated with their tweaking. Just when I was starting to calm down from the last couple go-arounds over a discount structure and then AirRave billing, the monthly invoice increased again. Not by much mind you, but enough to increase my bill […]

NTSB recommends banning cellphone use while driving

| December 14, 2011

A real hot button topic is being discussed after the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) recommended banning portable electronic devices such as cellphones from being used by drivers of automobiles. Distracted driving is fast becoming the seatbelt or drunk driving issue of the day. As someone who spends a significant amount of time on the […]

Sprint ups the Early Termination Fee from $200 to $350

| August 31, 2011

Just as we thought consumers were getting a break with the U.S. DOJ blocking the AT&T and T-Mobile deal, Sprint looked to be increasing their ETF by a pretty healthy percentage. Ouch, if you’re thinking about switching carriers before your contract is over. Sprint today confirmed to Phone Scoop via email that the company plans […]

Chucking at the perception of “4G”

| August 12, 2011

In the tech and gadget world, few devices are attracting buyers like smartphones and their grown-up counterparts the “touchscreen” tablets. Besides deciding on which carrier offers the best price/service, consumers chose a mobile OS and the manufacturer of their device. One of the most confusing decisions we make is “4G” — a loosely defined higher […]

Is anybody really happy with their cellphone plan/bill?

| June 29, 2011

A friend of mine recently switched carriers from T-Mobile to Sprint after grumbling about service … and the cellphone subject gave me something to make small talk with to a few of my customers on Tuesday. What I realized is that no matter the carrier, every customer complained. One plan did stand out … Virgin […]

Mulling my options when it comes to replacing my cellphone

| June 10, 2011

I’ve been keeping my eye on the new Sprint “Android” offerings since both Sprint and HP Palm have been a bit quiet on the slow motion release of the HP Palm Pre 3. The recent news from Sprint is that it will have the Motorola Photon 4G running Gingerbread 2.3 – the latest Android release. […]

Sprint cell number to Google Voice seems to works well

| April 26, 2011

Now that my Sprint Palm Pre phone number is my Google Voice number, GV is handling both the audio and text transcription of my voicemail messages. After recording and transcription, an email is sent to my phone as well as picked up by my email client (or on gmail) – also there’s a copy archived […]

Good deal? T-Mobile’s Even More and Even More Plus

| April 13, 2011

T-Mobile is offering one of the better deals for smartphone users on a budget today. Users choosing the Even More™ and Even More Plus™ plans will save considerable over the previous unlimited talk plans. The Plus plan at $59.99/mo with a 2 year contract or$79.99/mo without a contract and both offer unlimited nationwide calling, texting […]

More on cellphones, text messaging and driving distracted

| April 4, 2011

When I posted the current “Cell Phone Laws by State” map the other day, it was in part due to a project my niece was working on at Ohio Northern University. My brother mentioned she was asked to present their finding to Ohio lawmakers on House Bill 99 (summary) in Columbus last month – kudos to […]

Growing legislation against using cellphones while driving

| March 31, 2011

Keeping and eye on (and archiving) where one can and can’t use a cellphone while driving a car (posted in an AutoObserver). Click image for larger map Cell Phone States of Mind We’ve all been inspired to at least think, if not actually scream “Hang up and DRIVE!”, when we see a car drifting out […]

Google Voice and Sprint partnership will benefit cellphone users

| March 22, 2011

Google Voice will integrate with Sprint phones according to recent press releases from both companies. With the new partnership, Sprint customers will be able use their existing number as their Google Voice (GV) number or be able to use their GV number instead of their cell number for outgoing calls. The features of Google Voice […]

Bad news for Sprint Everything Data customers in 2011

| January 19, 2011

Add one more thing to the “inflation” worries (on top of energy and food) … especially if you are a Sprint wireless data smartphone user. It looks as if one might be wise to shop wireless phone carriers a little closer come renewal time. According to yesterday’s press release, Sprint has decided to “apply a […]

Figured out what the fuss over Angry Birds is all about

| January 2, 2011

After talking with my daughter this past week about games for cellphones … and mentioning to her that I didn’t really play them, I took advantage of a slow afternoon to download the popular Angry Birds for my Palm Pre – big mistake. I ended up draining my battery and wasting hours of an otherwise […]

Looking for more ways to tax: cellphones and ebook downloads

| January 1, 2011

According to a article by AnnaMaria Andriodis, we could see states and counties increasing taxes on new technology such as cellphones and e-books. Unlike Uncle Sam, state and county governments are required to balance their budgets and as local sales taxes and both the real estate and income tax stream of tax revenue dwindle […]

Apple iPhone TV marketing and social networking sites

| October 7, 2010

I don’t recall recall if the Apple iPhone advertisement appeared during the Philly’s no-hitter 4-0 win against the Reds or not, but the ad was intriguing in that the Twitter and Twitpic information had me checking the links. The marketing establish @gagebock account (currently 60-some friends) and Twitpic photo (700+ views) that was used in […]

Trying Poster for WordPress on the Palm Pre

| June 23, 2010

Since Palm is encouraging webOS Pre and Pixi users with a half price app sale, I picked up a couple applications including one to manage and post to both and server installed  blog sites. So this is a first post from the Poster for WordPress (for $1.00) app posted from the Palm Pre. The smartphone based […]

Sprint 4G HTC EVO started selling Friday

| June 5, 2010

I’ve had my Palm Pre about a year now and have been pretty satisfied with the webOS smartphone. Unfortunately the news coming from the acquiring company, HP, isn’t a confidence builder so it’s time to ponder the options …  still most likely a year away. The buzz at Sprint is the higher data speed from […]

H-P Agrees to Buy Palm –

| April 28, 2010

Good news for Palm … I think? Hopefully HP shareholders feel the same way. Hewlett-Packard Inc. agreed to acquire Palm Inc. for nearly $1 billion in cash, ending months of speculation about the fate of the troubled wireless handset maker. H-P said it will pay $5.70 per share in cash for Palm, representing a premium […]

A reminder to clean the camera lens on your phone

| April 18, 2010

After noticing the color saturation and sharpness in photos coming from my Palm Pre smartphone were not the same as the first photos I took,  I realized that just a cursory wipe of the lens wasn’t good enough. So let this post serve as a reminder to clean the lint, oils, dust, etc. out of […]

Updated the Palm Pre webOS to 1.2 and all is well

| September 29, 2009

I waited until I arrived home today before risking the update to webOS 1.2 on my Palm Pre. It’s not that I’m overly paranoid, but I’m no longer comfortable taking that chance, having to swap phones last week — thank you Sprint. The download took about 5 minutes though the broadband connection and installation another […]

Smartphone Experts Palm Pre skins leave much to be desired

| September 18, 2009

I’ve used the cellphone screen protection from Smartphone Experts on the displays of my Palm Treo and Centro PDA phones for years and have always been please with how they have performed. The same company makes full face coverings the Palm Pre, but the Smartphone Experts product I ordered (and had replaced at no charge) […]

Palm Pre stumps me with a Messaging app problem

| September 14, 2009

I have found that the Palm Pre works well for email and both MMS and SMS messaging on Sprint, but I’ve run into a glitch where my incoming messages will not show up in the messaging app unless I search for them, see screen capture (usually the conversations  list unless I delete them). So here’s […]

Battery life is going to be an issue with the Palm Pre

| June 9, 2009

— “Houston, we have a problem.” — Some heavy smartphone device users may have a problem with the Palm Pre’s battery life. My initial road test is turning up some pretty questionable results (click photo at right – used 80% of battery in 4 hours). I left the house this morning for a day on […]

More fun with the Palm Pre and GPS in car use

| June 8, 2009

My new smartphone, the Palm Pre, is growing on me and although I’m slow to change the smooth skipping stone of a phone is growing on me. Productivity with it is not happening just yet since the keyboard layout has change over the Treo and Centro line (moved some keys around). I’m am surprised how […]

Planning to spend money on a Cellphone/Smartphone device?

| March 11, 2009

Twitter comment at twtpoll:

A virtual look at the new Palm Pre

| January 8, 2009

It was a nice day to be a Palm user when on Thursday afternoon the company announced their long awaited smartphone with a new operating system (followed on Twitter). The sleek new phone with a sliding QWERTY physical keyboard “looked” to be precisely what many Palm advocates have been waiting for — I’m looking forward […]

Palm to unveil new OS and handset at CES today

| January 8, 2009

If you are a Palm device user who appreciates Palm products, Thursday January 8th 2009 might be the day that determines the company’s future.  At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) advocates expect the announcement of Palm’s long awaited new Nova operating system and new smartphone. The rumored new device is expected to compete with the […]

The Palm Centro — a Timex® like cellphone

| August 7, 2008

Here’s a great cellphone story that was published over at the more national Palm blog, but it actually comes from my neck of the woods. The customer email praises the durability of the Centro, which reflects politively on at least one of Palms’ designs; both my wife and daughter should feel good to have such […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog