The 2024 Presidential Election is around the corner

| October 19, 2024

It is difficult to escape the political ads, commentary and “web of lies” that continue to be spun by candidates and political action committees. I know that I’m not alone in wanting it to “just be over.”  I’ve told friends and family that they should just ignore everything that is posted on the Internet and […]

Books: Pacific Thunder (audiobook) and standing in line to vote

| November 8, 2023

On Tuesday, November 7th, 2023, I actually stood in line for 20- 30 minutes at the polls in order to vote in an off-year election! It wasn’t a big deal, but I wasn’t expecting a line considering I met my son for brunch after his doctor’s appointment and timed it purposely to not be at […]

Books: Reading Yeonmi Park’s “While Time Remains”

| May 28, 2023

The “hold” for the ebook by Yeonmi Park titled “While Time Remains” became available this past weekend and even though I haven’t finished the last book I started; I guess I’m going to “start” another anyway (it is a “forever problem” — start a book, but never finish it).  From all the interviews of her […]

A crazy week post midterm election and for the stock market

| November 12, 2022

Well … the hopeful political “red wave” did not happen (at least from a conservative perspective). If we are to be generous, it could be viewed as a “small ripple” … but the results of the election as of this post are not fully counted even yet. Does that seem odd in our evolved and […]

Election 2022: Tuesday November 8th is FREE America Day

| November 7, 2022

If there is one thing palpable in America, it is that Americans are worried about their country and our future. Ever since the COVID19 pandemic began and particularly since President Biden took office in 2020 … hard working, freedom-loving citizens in our country have watched their liberty and prosperity eroded. There is both concern and […]

Midterm elections could not be more important this year

| October 16, 2022

It’s simple: between the Federal Reserve spewing out more than $4 trillion in cheap money over the past year, and Congress signing off on “relief” packages totaling an unprecedented $3 trillion, there is too much money chasing too few goods. .. Inflation will only get hotter if Biden and congressional Democrats press ahead with even […]

Political corporate activism in Georgia, boycotts and investing

| April 6, 2021

Democrats have been gaining ground over the past few years with their “hate Trump” blitzing supported by the leftists, big tech and mainstream media (one in the same from what I’ve seen), and continue to put heavy pressure politicians and corporations. Just as with the tactics used by BLM, Antifa and “woke” groups using racism, […]

Election Day: Protect your freedom and liberty, vote GOP

| November 3, 2020

Today is election day and A LOT is on the line when it comes to the governing and political philosophy of the United States. Back in 2016, the promises then candidate Donald Trump, made when running as a new breed of Republican, had to be taken on face value and his words… something I personally […]

Unrequested November 2020 Ohio absentee ballot request forms

| September 1, 2020

Although we have "requested" Ohio absentee voting ballots before as a convenience or often for being away from the local polls, this is the first time ballots requests forms are just showing up in the mail. If it were any other "let’s try statewide vote by mail year or election," this might be worth sending […]

The Democrats had their 2020 virtual convention last week and the Republicans started their virtual convention this week

| August 25, 2020

To sum up the nomination process for the November 3rd 2020 presidential election in a short paragraph is foolhardy, but that doesn’t prevent me from opining on the week long telethons. I expected both parties to come out with their vision for America and to at least give the leader-to-be’s vision, plans and goals? Unfortunately […]

Make it a good day and be sure to exercise your right to VOTE

| November 6, 2018

This year Brenda and I voted absentee …  or by mail. I knew it was an important mid-term and wanted to be sure our votes counted, but do miss the feeling of standing in line with others and waiting my turn at the polls. That said, minus the hiccup with our verification system (missing digits […]

Google is doing their part to remind citizens to vote

| September 26, 2018

Although I suspect Google management and most of their Silicon Valley  employees are of a left-leaning tilt, there reminder and LINK to "register to vote" is a great universally welcomed message. Hopefully ALL U.S. citizens will exercise the privilege to vote come this November … although personally disagree with non-citizens and illegal aliens voting in […]

The growing right-to-work trend was stopped in Missouri

| August 9, 2018

Unions have slowly been losing their grip on "laws" in each state over the years as workers want to be able to choose whether or not they want to belong to a union (and pay the dues). Several states have passed "right-to-work" laws giving those workers that freedom … but others have not adopted "independent […]

Trying to keep a sense of humor about the upcoming election

| October 23, 2016

It has NOT been an enjoyable campaign season … a very long year and a half! Citizens of voting age in the United States (see Twiitter comment below) voluntarily head to the polls to decide who they want or more appropriately DON’T want as their president for the next 4 years. I doubt I’m alone […]

What will another 51 years do for society?

| August 30, 2016

I mentioned Paul Harvey’s broadcast on the 50th anniversary last year, but his 1965 thoughts are worth hearing again in this election year … not that we’re even talking about social issues. I didn’t post it as an audio MP3 format file — so here it is.     Paul Harvey | If I were the devil … – […]

Advice – wait a a minute before sending a hot-tempered email

| November 4, 2012

Discussing politics can get a person in hot water with friends and family (thankfully in my case it is not with family). Unfortunately after I posted my blog commentary on Saturday regarding a local GOP rally held in our town Friday night, I obviously ruffled the feathers of a friend who has views that differ […]

My early voting Super Tuesday primary ballot has arrived

| February 18, 2012

Not knowing my travel schedule when it comes to voting on Super Tuesday, March 6th … I’ve opted for an absentee ballot this year. With Rick Santorum polling strong in Michigan and nationally, it looks like our Ohio primary election vote might be more important than usual this year? I didn’t give it too much […]

Election Tracking Congressional Seats – semi-live blogging

| November 2, 2010

Just for the fun of it I’m tracking the election tonight as the results come in. My early gut call is that the Tea Party groups will run many of the incumbent Democrats out of office and give Republicans the House of Representatives.  In fact, I’m not really following the House race and believing it […]

An Election Day lesson for college students

| November 2, 2010

Once upon a time in 2008, there was a great “get out the vote” drive helping young people, less civic minded urban folks and busy college students to  register to vote. Democrats in particular canvased college campuses going dorm door to dorm door with the necessary paperwork so that students would be prepared to vote. […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog