RichC | May 8, 2021
A few times before I’ve thought, and blogged about MMT or Modern Monetary Theory, when it comes to newfangled economics. Personally, I (nor many economists) can accept the thinking or rationalize the large deficits and debt path our country is on. In order to better understand the mind-set, I decided to read Stephanie Kelton’s book […]
Category: Books, Financial, Politics |
Tags: book, chart, economics, government, inflation, lumber, mmt, reading, stephanie kelton, the deficit myth
RichC | December 22, 2020
With only a handful of meals out during this COVID19 year with my buddy Jeff this past year, I’ve learned to appreciate them even more than usual. We’ve been having lunch together each month or so as a way to stay connected for decades and for me adjusting to just emails and text messages is […]
Category: Financial, Friends, Personal, Politics |
Tags: brainstorming, coron, covid19, debt, deficit, economics, el rancho, friends, idiom, idioms, investing, jeffp, lunch, mmt, Restaurant