RichC | January 10, 2023
As I commented on Twitter … “until nuclear fusion arrives in bulk, there are limits to living without fossil fuels.” We need political leaders, climate activists and business leaders restricting capital through ESG measures who can exercise a little bit more commonsense when it comes to restricting and going to war with US domestic energy […]
Category: Environment, Humor, Nature, Photos |
Tags: bald eagle, climate, esg, nest, snow
RichC | June 8, 2021
It was a “work around the yard” weekend for me and besides power washing the patios on Saturday, I cut down honeysuckles in preparation for the new concrete driveway project later this summer (if it is still scheduled and affordable )? Along with sawing trees and hauling limbs, I started the old dried out honeysuckle […]
Category: Hobby, Misc, Photos |
1 Comment
Tags: bonfire, chainsaw, chores, fitbit, honeysuckle, irobot, john deere, nest, power washing, pressure washing, robin, sonex, yardwork
RichC | August 14, 2020
Wouldn’t you know, just as I was contemplating how to get rid of our annoying pair of Mourning Doves (pretty much pigeons in my book), they go and have at least one baby. Now I can’t in good conscious shoo them away. The little guy must have jumped or fallen out of the nest and […]
Category: Blogs, Environment, Nature, Photos |
Tags: baby, bird, birds, doves, mourning, nest, pigeon
RichC | June 16, 2018
Frustration in tech land! Power out – now the cable modem or router won’t reboot properly! If you haven’t following along with my updating the progress on the Florida condo, I’ve been adding bits and pieces to “home automation” besides the normal “construction updates” to the kitchen (and eventually bathroom). Most of it has been […]
Category: Ideas, Innovation, Personal, Raspberry Pi, Technology |
Tags: automation, Cam, deebot, gadget, gadgets, home, nest, programming, raspberry pi, smartthings, wyze
RichC | May 30, 2018
Adding a few more gadgets to the condo update this weekend as we are one step closer to getting it looking as if we’ll have a kitchen again … or at least a livable abode for the winter renters (or next owner). Hopefully the few extra upgrades I have opted to add will not go […]
Category: Archive, Misc, Personal, Photos, Technology |
Tags: ani gif, anigif, ceiling, condo1718, fan, florida, kitchen, nest, thermostat
RichC | May 1, 2014
It’s that time of year … time for eggs to hatch and baby Mourning Doves to start growing their feathers. Our pair does a fine job of leaving their “pigeon-like” mess everywhere too. Each year I wonder where their chicks go? Short MP3 audio clip — Mourning Dove calls
Category: Audio, Environment, Nature, Photos |
Tags: audio, baby, birds, eggs, mp3, nest