RichC | February 7, 2020
The week started with heartache. A funeral for our neighbors son. That was followed by my friend Jeff heading to be with his dad’s wife Thelma in Orlando after a fall. (his dad is 93 and she is 90). It looks as if Jeff with be soon trying to figure out their care and living […]
Category: Faith, Friends, Health, Personal |
Tags: aaron, brenda, cleveland clinic, family, friends, Health, jackie, jeff, justin, lynda, medical, prayer, prayers, surgery
RichC | August 1, 2015
As my daughter Katelyn told me prior to Brenda’s surgery to reconstruct her damaged shoulder and upper arm … "take a deep breath." I did, but didn’t know I would be holding it for 4 hours (a few details below – also previous posts 1 and 2). When the surgery was over, Dr. Wyrick […]
Category: Faith, Health, Personal |
Tags: brenda, family, friends, hospital, keith thomas, prayers, surgery
RichC | March 7, 2015
A catch up post since hear in Cincinnati we have had a much snowier February and early March than usual … although a change is coming, so I hear? Sharing a few medical concerns: Activities this first week of March have revolved around medical care for a few in my family. Most pressing concerns are […]
Category: Faith, Health, Personal, Weather |
Tags: chemotherapy, dadc, Health, hospital, medical, momh, prayers, sarahg