RichC | January 10, 2025
Elon Musk’s verson of email called Xmail can’t come soon enough for a lot of Google Gmail users and as a way to dump my 70,009 Gmail SPAM collection.
Although did remember an older Windows 95 X Mail (logo above and insecure link) and I was hoping for some kind of improvement from ProtonMail […]
Category: Computer, Productivity, Software, Technology |
Tags: elon musk, email, gmail, pcworld, protonmail, spam, tech friday, techfriday,, xmail
RichC | October 13, 2023
We live in a world where personal privacy has all but disappeared when it comes to our lives. We are surveilled everywhere and by practically every device. Our connected gadgets collect and send data on our every movement … and increasingly “inner” goings-on (smart devices monitoring our health). New cars are pumping data to the […]
Category: Advice, Cellphone, Computer, Technology |
Tags: email, encryption, privacy, protonmail, security, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | August 18, 2023
Proton Mail offers a free email service with limitations … as expected. There is a paid version which over time I’ve contemplated switching to for both the enhanced privacy and ability to use my old original business email domain: The monthly (yearly) subscription price is reasonable, but since I already run several Linux servers […]
Category: Advice, Business, Computer, How-To, Technology, Tidbits |
Tags:, email, gmail,, netaddress, proton, protonmail, tips, trash,
RichC | July 9, 2021
For the last few years, I’ve been using Google’s Backup and Sync software on my iMac to back up mostly archival data to my free Google Drive space that was part of my legacy Miami University EDU teaching account. I haven’t taught in Oxford, Ohio for decades, but did spend a few dollars for Taylor’s […]
Category: Apple, Cloud, Computer, Software, Technology |
Tags: amazon, apple, aws, backup, beta, cloud, Dropbox, encryption, google, icloud, imac, microsoft, mydrive, onedrive, proton, protonmail, storage, sync, tech friday, techfriday
RichC | June 18, 2021
Generally, I don’t use a VPN connection at home, but since I’ve been having slow connections on my laptop and iPad with VPN connections (both TunnelBear and ProtonVPN), thought I was test at home. ProtonVPN has been working pretty well and doesn’t restrict as much as the “warm and fuzzy” Tunnel Bear, but I’ve not […]
Category: Computer, Technology, Travel |
Tags: email, encryption, proton, protonmail, protonvpn, security, traveling, tunnelbear, vpn