RichC | September 11, 2020
It seems like yesterday, but it was 19 years ago that the US was attacked by our own commercial airliners taken over by radical Islamic terrorists and orchestrated by Osama bin Laden. These evil men following a twisted ideology attempted to trigger an all out war between Muslims and who they perceived as the enemies […]
Category: History, News, Politics |
Tags: 9/11, alyssa ahlgren, america, anarchists, anarchiy, anniversary, antifa, blm, capitalism, communism, freedom, islam, marxism, osama bin laden, prosperity, socialism, terrorism, threats
RichC | February 15, 2014
Although I have a libertarian slant to my political philosophy, the wars and struggles in the Middle East demonstrate why our country need to maintain the appropriate balance between freedom and over reaching government. An article in the WSJ on Friday is a reminder that the threat from terrorists, cartels, gangs and other countries is […]
Category: News, Politics |
Tags: government, terrorism, threats, wsj