RichC | May 30, 2016
Memorial Day traditionally marks the beginning of warm weather, longer days and for some, in this sluggish Obama economy, maybe even a summer vacation? “Enjoying summer” is privilege we Americans have because so many before us gave their lives for the protection, prosperity and freedom we all enjoy. Looking at our short history, we’ve fought way too many wars and lost far too […]
Category: History, Holiday, Millitary |
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Tags: atomic, bomb, dadc, japan, Memorial Day, obama, truman, ww2
RichC | January 20, 2009
The Wallstreet Journal took a look at the job approval rating of our Presidents. The graph illustrates public opinion of Presidents from Truman through George W. Bush. Th popularity of each President rises and falls as they were faced different crisis situations. Only President Truman and George W. Bush have seen both support as high […]
Category: Politics |
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Tags: bush, carter, clinton, eisenhower, ford, johnson, kennedy, nixon, president, reagan, truman, wsj