A couple interesting maps: Liberty Township development and severe weather map in Iowa looks like SW Ohio

| July 10, 2024

For those of us living in the Liberty Township, Ohio area for nearly 30 years now, the development map above  probably doesn’t come as a surprise. This once rural township is far more densely populated that it once was. With that growth comes challenges of keeping the heavy traffic and commercial growth from changing what […]

Remembering the attack on Pearl Harbor 81 years ago

| December 7, 2022

It feels uncomfortably routine, to nonchalantly include a remembrance post on December 7th each year … but it is important to reflect on the evil of man and human devastation associated with war.  In remembering the loss of American lives inflicted by the Japanese in their “unprovoked and dastardly” attack of Pearl Harbor, I’ll include […]

Thinking of Pearl Harbor by finishing a Battle of Midway book

| December 7, 2021

As we remember the day that the Empire of Japan bombed Pearl Harbor and try to “never forget” our ill-preparedness “date that will live in infamy” on December 7, 1941, I’ll finally finish the hefty book “Shattered Sword” by Jonathan Parshall and Anthony Tully. (it’s a 1139 pages!)  The “untold story of the Battle of Midway” […]

Remembering the Pearl Harbor attack and the 2403 killed

| December 7, 2017

We remember December 7th, 1941 to honor those who perished and as a reminder of what lead up to Japan’s 1920’s ambition to dominate the Pacific Basin believing it was their manifest destiny (see series Pearl Harbor – Then and Now on the Defense Media Network). The unprovoked surprise attack on Hawaii in the early […]

A date that will live in infamy — December 7, 1941

| December 7, 2016

It has been a few years since our family visited the historic sites at Pearl Harbor …  it was very sobering. Why do human beings continue killing each other — it is as senseless today as it was 75 years ago. I would like to think that we are wiser and could agree to inhabit […]

Honoring those who gave everything for our country

| May 30, 2016

Memorial Day traditionally marks the beginning of warm weather, longer days and for some, in this sluggish Obama economy, maybe even a summer vacation? “Enjoying summer” is privilege we Americans have because so many before us gave their lives for the protection, prosperity and freedom we all enjoy. Looking at our short history, we’ve fought way too many wars and lost far too […]

A lot of great blog posts on War History Online

| May 1, 2016

I recall thinking a bit more about the barbarism of the Empire of Japan during (and prior) to World War II when I read the book Flyboys by James Bradley a few years back. When it came out in 2003, I remembered thinking about just how tainted public secondary and higher had become in regards […]

Book: The Rape of NanKing – The Forgotten Holocaust of WWII

| January 25, 2015

I picked up a book, The Rape Of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust Of World War II, published in 1997 and written by the late Iris Chang. I decided to read it after a bit of Twitter sparring with CBJapan1 and his/her “allegation of lying” about the book and movie Unbroken, as well as how America […]

Remembering: A date which will live in infamy – FDR

| December 7, 2014

And the war with Japan began … To the Congress of the United States: Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy – the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan. The United States was at peace with that […]

The Legend of Tokyo Rose

| December 21, 2013

Archiving a bit of text (Chapter 5 in Miss Your Lovin by Ann Elizabeth Pfau) in researching some WWII Pacific history. See the Gutenberg link above but text saved below. American veterans of the Pacific war still remember Tokyo Rose. She was the most dangerous and seductive of the enemy radio announcers who broadcast propaganda […]

Fukushima nuke plant leaking A LOT of contaminated water

| August 7, 2013

Depressing … “A [Japanese] government official told reporters Wednesday that an estimated 300 metric tons (330 tons) of contaminated water was leaking into the ocean every day …” LINK

Video: Contact Juggling

| December 12, 2012

A couple of us spotted a Google+ post the other day highlighting Contact Juggling and found it intriguing and an impressive skill … plus I didn’t write a blog post for today. EDIT: Also upgraded WordPress to “Elvin” — version 3.5.

Amazing how quickly the tsunami flooded Japan

| March 14, 2011

As FoxNews anchor Bret Baier commented, “This is perhaps the most chilling video yet – to see how quickly the tsunami came in.” [flv:Tsunami_after_9_earthquake_in_Japan.flv 490 255]

Archiving: Japan hit by an 8.9-Magnitude Earthquake

| March 11, 2011

After a day out of touch with the ‘goings on’ of the world, it was depressing to come back to the dock and read about the earthquake and tsunami in Japan – the images are sickening. It is hard to imagine what the death toll will be or how they will be able to clean […]

Take a moment to remember December 7th

| December 7, 2006

Like many baby boomers, I am proud to have a World War II veteran in my family. Today we remember the reason the United States went to war back in 1941, not that there weren’t reasons to defend Europe earlier. On December 7th we were “brutally attacked” by the Empire of Japan in Pearl Harbor […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog