Groundhogs and archiving a 1983 Mustang photos for #TBT

| May 16, 2024

I don’t recall how the subject came up, but Brenda and I were talking about our first and then second house in NE Ohio … the one I have some of my fondest memories in — the kids were about our grandchildren’s age. It was located on “Ground Hog Hill” in Hudson Township when we […]

Automotive, but with a beachy Throwback Thursday twist #TBT

| September 14, 2023

A week or so ago, a tweet (or is it X?) appeared on an automotive publication’s social media account … and it caught my eye (see below). It triggered a memory of a well loved plastic 1957 Ford Ranchero that my brother and I had in our large collection of toy cars and trucks; some […]

When will Ford reinstate their dividend? $F

| April 14, 2021

Since Ford once-upon-a-time paid a solid dividend, it was one of those stocks I felt comfortable trading in and out of or  just sitting on for a while … but after the company suspended the dividend in March of 2020, I had to re-think $F stock. Owning Ford in 2020 and so far in 2021 […]

Love our current vehicles, but do miss my VW Jetta TDI #TBT

| July 16, 2020

The publicity around Ford’s new “bucking” Bronco for 2021 had me thinking about cars this week … as well as seeing a post from 12 years ago highlighting 100,000 odometer reading on Katelyn’s first car. Bronco aside, a few of my favorite vehicles are running through my head, but have a special soft spot my […]

Automotive history photo and story that got attention last year

| January 2, 2020

Every once in a while, a story about cars and history (my memories) catches eyeballs. One such story in Hemmings Motor News last year did that for me in part because my dad had a 1972 Ford Pinto and because the Mt. St. Helens eruption in May of 1980 was a big deal news story. […]

Huge stock market sell-off. The economy is strong. Time to buy?

| February 2, 2018

I played the “high risk, high reward” game on Friday while watching most if not all stocks collapsed over rising interest rate concerns. It looks more likely that the Federal Reserve may have to be more aggressive in raising rates in order to control inflationary pressures after the jobs report. Unemployment is low, the economy […]

Thoughts on Rolling Coal

| October 10, 2017

Although I’m the last person to criticize folks for tweaking their diesel engines for performance and efficiency, I cringe when I see modifications that purposely over fuel and pump a bunch of black smoke when it is unnecessary (not under load). There has to be a commonsense balance between neutering diesel engines with excessively costly […]

Stock trades and boat woes – some plans work out, others do not

| August 31, 2017

As the title and Robert Burns suggest, "the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry." Here are a couple Thursday lunchtime updates. On the upside, the Ford ($F) trades from a week ago continue to pan out and I exited half of my position on Thursday morning to book profits (for those […]

The Ford $F stock trade is working again

| August 19, 2017

Although the news of late on the political front has been challenging (Trump Admin, Barcelona, Charlottesville, North Korea) the savvy investor/trader can use these moments to put the "risk capital" part of their portfolio to good use. Most who trade have plenty of horror stories where their trades have gone terribly wrong, but usually the […]

If you are old enough, you will get the backwards humor

| January 8, 2016

Click image or this Wikipedia link for an explanation!

Wouldn’t it be nice to see the El Camino in production again?

| April 16, 2015

When I was in college I worked for a contractor who drove a car-based truck called the El Camino – it was usually seen hauling around a few missing items he had just picked up for the latest project. As I recall, it wasn’t the greatest car … or truck … but to me it […]

Rental car vs my Honda Pilot: “What difference does it make”

| February 5, 2014

It is about time that I wrapped up the numbers for the recent Florida trip in order to work on the boat. One of the “high level” decisions that I had to make (snicker), was whether to drive my own car down and back with my 300 or so pounds of batteries and gear, or […]

Comparing three efficient hybrid cars from Toyota and Ford

| March 1, 2013

An automotive enthusiast friend of mine, Wayne Gerdes, is a noted “hypermiler” and posted a well documented write-up comparing three of the top selling hybrid cars for a CleanMPG report. His efficiently conclusion is about what my gut would have told me when looking at the car profiles in his photo above … Toyota Prius […]

Trip to Florida wrap-up and the cost savings analysis of renting

| March 11, 2012

After the long overnight drive home here’s a wrap up post from my trip to Florida with my son Taylor over his college spring break.  We had a mostly great father-son time and I for one was glad he chose to spent the week with me rather than other friends or SigEp fraternity brothers – […]

Ford 2013 Escape gets sleek shedding the SUV look

| November 17, 2011

It looks like the boxy designs are nearly gone from most of the domestic and Asian automotive companies in favor of the lighter and more car-like CUV. Scott Burgess shared a little info on Ford’s new 2013 Escape from the LA Auto show. The Escape has lost the truck-ish SUV look and emulated the CUV […]

VW TDI woes. Ford Focus. And a busy start to the week

| November 8, 2011

My daughter called to tell me her dependable Volkswagen Jetta TDI wouldn’t start. So far it has made it through high school, college, med school and to her medical residency without letting her down. Unfortunately it just cranked and wouldn’t start this time. I attempted to diagnose over the phone – having her check for […]

Stylish design highlights the 2012 Ford Focus EV

| November 3, 2011

I’m at traditionalist when it comes to cars and am attracted to the rumble of an internal combustion engine and tactile sensation of shifting gears, preferably manual. But the world is changing and new cars have sophisticated automatics or are going gearless (CVTs) … and expect more and more cars with tiny engines to include […]

SOLD: 1983 Ford Mustang Convertible – 6 cylinder/Automatic

| October 11, 2011

Interested in a 1983 Ford Mustang Convertible? My mother-in-law has finally and reluctantly decided to sell her car knowing that a second car isn’t needed anymore. She has unfortunately put too many maintenance dollars into keeping this car in good shape, but it has spent most of the past decade parked in the garage. All […]

World’s Fastest Car Show debuts on EbayMotors

| September 24, 2011

Enjoyed the new World Fastest Car Show (WFCS) online video program on YouTube from Ebay Motors (video below) and learned something interesting right from the start. The Ford Mustang BOSS 302 got its name “BOSS” when the lead designer creating the original 1970 V-8 302 Mustang for Parnelli Jones was asked, “who ya doing that […]

Look who continues to receive taxpayer (and borrowed) dollars

| August 16, 2011

With the Obama administration failing to lead in the area we expect, liberal politicians (might as well say “all politicians”) have little problem taking a leadership role when it comes to telling the industry how to run their businesses. The Department of Energy distributes our taxes as gifts grants as a way to warp free […]

Eaton’s Hydraulic Hybrid Powertrain and the Ford F-150

| February 26, 2011

I would like to hear more about the Eaton “hydraulic hybrid powertrain” that both Chrysler and Ford are developing for mini vans and light trucks. I’ve heard of them being used in larger trucks, and delivery vans, but haven’t seen them in consumer vehicles yet. Some of the more interesting numbers being toss around suggest […]

What engine/fuel option will you consider for your next car?

| September 15, 2010

Earlier this month, the folks at TFLcar ran a non-scientific test where they compared three different fueling options in three different cars. All three vehicles are known to offer good fuel economy … but only one is fun to drive. 🙂 Unfortunately, the test doesn’t offer any high degree of accuracy due to the small […]

Chuckling at the Ford Fusion hybrid dash ‘Photoshopped’ photo

| May 28, 2010

Read an article about the 2010 Ford Fusion winning the honors of being the Consumers’ Top Rated award (as well as Motortrend Car of the Year) and had to chuckle noticing the dash storage compartment. Perhaps it’s just my lame sense of humor … anyway the items in the dash storage box did make […]

Ford, Volkswagen and Audi are ready for the recession to end

| April 15, 2010

I was reading a column in SmartMoney magazine by James Stewart after he attended the New York Auto Show about the return of profits to the automotive industry, at least some of them. It may be in part due to a cycle of replacing their aging cars and in part due to a renewed focus […]

A couple months for bigger Ford Hybrid tax credits

| January 30, 2009

There are a few changes are coming for the hybrid car buying few … and I mean car buying few … unless Washington DC pulls a few last minute strings. Tax credits are being reduced by about half, so …  if you are thinking about buying a new hybrid car this year, it might be […]

The Presidents’ popularity Past and Present

| January 20, 2009

The Wallstreet Journal took  a look at  the job approval rating of our Presidents. The graph illustrates public opinion of Presidents from Truman through George W. Bush. Th popularity of each President rises and falls as they were faced different crisis situations. Only President Truman and George W. Bush have  seen both support as high […]

PCMike demostrates Parking Assist from Ford

| January 17, 2009

MSNBC’s Mike Wendland reported on the new parking assist technology Ford will be offering in select 2010 models.  As seen in premium … and not so premium …  models before, it is pretty cool technology. YOUTUBE Video removed

Car and Driver praises the 2010 Ford Fusion Hybrid

| January 7, 2009

The 2010 Ford Fusion hybrid “won the hearts of the Car and Driver folks,” according to AutoblogGreen. The best of class midsize car bettered even Toyota in the top fuel economy and still performed well when talking performance. The Ford Fusion hybrid goes on sale this spring and is being marketed as  “America’s most fuel […]

Desultory - des-uhl-tawr-ee, -tohr-ee

  1. lacking in consistency, constancy, or visible order, disconnected; fitful: desultory conversation.
  2. digressing from or unconnected with the main subject; random: a desultory remark.
My Desultory Blog