RichC | July 16, 2021
My Amazon Kindle Voyage is not used much for reading anymore as I have gravitated to using my iPad, but every time I’ve picked it up lately the battery has been dead. So after ordering an inexpensive replacement lithium battery – it is surprisingly small – I popped the back off with the help of […]
Category: Books, Gadget, Photos, Technology |
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Tags: amazon, battery, Books, ebooks, kindle, lithium, reading, replaced, replacement, tech friday, techfriday, voyage
RichC | August 6, 2018
I was reminded in a tweet last week (below) of an inspirational book and story I read as a young boy growing up in Ohio. The book and story was that of the transatlantic voyage of Tinkerbelle (book of the same name) was made by Robert Manry back in 1965. He was a copywriter at the Cleveland […]
Category: Books, Memories, Sailing, Social Media |
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Tags: book, cleveland, crawford museum, dove, fiberpile, inspiration, ohio, plain dealer, robert manry, sailboat, tinkerbelle, transatlantic, tweet, twitter, voyage
RichC | April 27, 2017
After borrowing my daughter’s Nook, and my friends Kindle, I finally have my own ereader — thanks to MyDesultoryBlog readers and discreet Google Ad clickers. I now can travel and read comfortably without disassembling the keyboard off my iPad Air2 and "hefting" the much heavier and larger tablet in front of my face. My second-hand […]
Category: Books, History, Millitary, Social Media, Technology |
1 Comment »
Tags: amazon, ebooks, ereader, kindle, mchooyah, robert o'neill, the operator, voyage