RichC | May 1, 2009
Watching and archiving the hot topic and some better information as it relates to H1N1 Flu (Swine Flu is a misleading “pork” hindering name). Hopefully this pandemic will only lightly impact our population due to good planning and early information (see Google map in previous post) I do see over the top hype coming from […]
Category: News, Photography, Video |
1 Comment
Tags: cdc, h1n1, swine flu
RichC | May 1, 2009
If you pay attention to technology news at all you’re probably getting fed up with Twitter — even if you find yourself tweeting, blogging and talking about it. At least once a week I hear someone say, “I don’t care what someone had for lunch.” I use to try and explain that Twitter is not […]
Category: Business, Financial, Social Media |
Tags: twitter