Book: World Cruising Routes, an ocean crossing necessity
Posted By RichC on January 12, 2010
For many years I’ve contemplated buying a fairly expensive reference style book — one that I really don’t currently need, but have wanted. Since I had a few Christmas dollars to spend (thanks Mom H.) I figured now was the perfect time add the $60.00 628 page book to my library.
After spending a few days searching for a used book, I opted to just purchase a discounted but new copy, and although the book World Cruising Routes 6th edition by Jimmy Cornell isn’t really new (published 2008), nor is it necessarily new from the perspective of when it was originally printed (1st printing 1987), the latest edition has been updated with better ‘route notations’ and includes GPS route planning additions. Jimmy Cornell has also included a third circumnavigation and extended the tropical storm season durations by an extra month due to increased number of powerful late season storms this past decade.
For many cruising sailors planning extended sailboat passages and ocean crossings, Cornell’s book is a must have. For now I’m just a ‘wannabee’ bluewater sailor, but suspect that I’m not the only armchair sailor to be planning dreaming about sailing to distant places. (for those who follow @RichC on Twitter, ‘yes’ this was the book I spilled my dinner on)