Techie stuff: Canon 550D/T2i & WordPress 3.0 update
Posted By RichC on June 19, 2010
I saw some video shot with an under $1000 Canon Rebel T2i/550D camera today that had me drooling to upgrade my digital camera. Although I’m not really in the market for a new 18 megapixel DSLR, the advertising video shot for Amber Mac’s (Amber MacArthur) book Power Friending had me thinking about it. The encoded flash video below doesn’t do the original 90MB MP4 file justice, but the quality is most definitely better than I’ve ever been able to shoot on my older camcorder or Palm Pre. (Check out Amber’s business savy social networking book Power Friending.)
Also this is (‘was’ if you are reading this) the weekend to back up my growing database and upgrade WordPress to 3.0 — ‘Thelonious’ for Thelonious Monk.
Hopefully WordPress will continue to remain as solid at the last several minor updates. Besides a new ‘default’ theme (won’t see here), version 3.0 incorporates a Multi User (MU) feature permitting several blogs on one install … similar to WordPressMU. Several new management features will eventually make menu setup and changes quick as will the plug-in updater. Business users might like the changes that support contacts, employees, products and the ability to manage newsletters. I’m not sure how many of the new features I’ll be using for my personal site, but this install will be great for small to mid-size corporate sites that used different CMS software or heavily customized WordPress.